
  • 5 replies
  • 42 subscribers

i have read many of these posts this morning . Another morning of waking alone while my darling husband is in hospital. I don t sound like any of you at all sound kind, loving and at some kind of peace.

i just feel sick, worried constantly crying and like I am losing my mind. I wake up go to the hospital come home climb into bed and it continues day after day.i feel terrified as I know he is , I can t raise his spirits as I can t raise my can I help him when life looks so bleak , he has been so very ill and is now due major surgery in the next week , hopefully.

thank you all x 

  • oh we all know how how feel.. its a horrible roller coaster. my hubbie has been in and out of hospital for 2 years now.. he had a 16 hour op last november and spent last xmas and new year in hospital.. its so hard for us carers, we have to care for our loved ones and try to carry on some kind of normal life... please remember to take time out for yourself.. sending you hugs and strength xxx

    never give up hope
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mandajayne

    Thank you xx not feeling it this morning I have cried for weeks x

  • dont feel bad about crying.. its natural.. sometimes the tears never stop.. take comfort in happy moments.. maybe share some music or a movie together. has he got a treatment plan? xx

    never give up hope
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mandajayne

    He is in hospital has been for almost 3 weeks . Building him up for surgery next week x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello My Girl

    Crying is normal. What you're experiencing is traumatic. Crying is a safe overflow of that traumatic feeling. I remember weeks when it felt that I couldn't stop crying when my mum came home basically to die. It felt all too much some days. As time has gone on I don't cry so much but we're all different. Don't be hard on yourself, be kind to yourself it's a tough job this caring malarkey!!

    Hope he gets built up and the surgery goes well xx