Supporting mum

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hey everyone,

My mum has breast cancer and is having chemo. She is on her fourth cycle, the first of docetaxel. She’s just so emotional, cries everyday. When I try to tease it out of her she says she’s fed up, frustrated, annoyed, says she feels empty, her mind is empty. She says she grinds her teeth, her head and neck are all tense. She’s scared over everything, so anxious. I just don’t know what to do to make it better. She is on antidepressant, doesn’t think counselling will help so I don’t know what else I can do! Any help please?

  • Poor mum and poor you having to cope with this .There are several things you can do .Is there a Maggies support center near you they are brilliant for cancer patients and anyone supporting them . Also find out if there is a breast cancer support group in your area .They would be the best people to help your mum as they will have knowledge and people who have been through what your mum has been through .Also alternative theraphies can help acupuncture Reiki reflexology .Some treatments might not be viable if she is having active treatment but may help after . Hope you can get some support lots of hugs and keep posting we will all help you xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Thanks sue. She’s wont/can’t leave the house. She won’t go out for a walk, yet she’s fed up she’s at home. I think with the effects of this chemo lingering on longer than the EC she was on it’s gettong her down. I feel frustrated too because when I try and tease things out of her the only response I get it ‘I don’t know’.

    I think she would benefit from some anti-anxiety medication initially to boost her enough to try non medication options but she refusing to take them too! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, mum is the same, fed up with still being here, crying and saying she just wants to be gone. We now have anti-anxiety meds and lots of pain relief and although refused at first we had one evening that was so bad she agreed to take the meds. I stay with her until she drifts into quiet sleep and she feels better in the morning.

    Its tough to deal with and I get the same response with mum. You ask what's wrong and she doesn't know. I find quiet patience, sit with her a while or quietly leave for 10 minutes then go back is less distressing for me and gives her a bit of space. Just keep trying different things. Talk to specialist nurses/doctors or gp (for my mum its been a combination of local hospice and gp for key help) to see if they can encourage your mum in some way. Not an easy path but I hope you find a way to give her some relief and you some peace of mindCat