Angry and confused

  • 2 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone, I need to get this off my chest. Partner who has pancreatic cancer, had the operation last November and has had a clear scan but suspect blood results is driving me mad. Over that last 2 months or so his appetite has plummeted and is loosing weight. Yesterday he didn't have the energy to go up and down stairs. To cut a long story short I booked his return gp phone call for this morning and he has gone out with a friend to look at cars. I will have to take his phone call, I want to tell them he 8s fading away in front of me and how much pain he gets, whether they believe me if he's not here to take call I don't know. Can anyone else relate to this? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Needing friends 

    I am sorry that you are feeling so stressed and I hope that sharing on here will ease some of your distress. I am not sure that I will be able to say anything to help, but I just wanted you to know that I have heard you and maybe in some small way it is a comfort to know that.

    You were kind enough to respond to me and I couldn't let you think that nobody was listening.

    Please take care.

  • Ah thankyou, feeling calmer now, I suppose the most important thing is that he got out and about today and thought about different things. I probably got stressed because I felt I am doing all the worrying and procuring appointment s and follow ups.  I was so worried about him yesterday I nearly asked for a call out. I guess when the opportunity to do something different comes the endorphins kick in. I just felt sorry for myself thinking that I had been hanging around, trying to do things to help when really he just needed to be with someone else as a refreshing change. It is his birthday today and I had hoped that I could have  been involved, he's shattered now. I think as others say you just have to find a new normal and not loose sight of your own needs as otherwise  it can make you feel bitter. This rotten disease has a way of tearing us appart

    Love is eternal