Actually broken

  • 7 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I just cannot stop crying. I cry until I'm exhausted then 5 minutes later something sets me off again. I feel like I've coped so well with so much but now something has just snapped and I just can't get it together. I feel actually broken, like I just don't work anymore. People keep asking if I have anyone to support me but no one is able to actually offer support. At this point I feel like if someone asked what they could do to help I would tell them everything, I need everything because I don't feel capable of doing anything anymore. I feel like a bottomless pit that no amount of support is ever going to fill. I have to go into hospital tomorrow and be there for my husband and I have not the faintest idea how I'm going to do that. I can't tell anyone how I feel because they've already hinted about not letting him come home. But I need someone in the world to know because I'm not weak or in need of psychological help (even though this sentence may suggest otherwise) I've just reached the absolute limit of my endurance, I'm human, I can't cope but I don't know what the hell else to do other than at least use this forum to express it.... 

  • Sending you love, and strength, and everything that I can. Writing your post was an important step to take - to let someone know how you feel. To feel is all you can do just now. Go to bed, try to sleep. Tomorrow will come, and you will do what you have to.

    So much LOVE to you. X X X 

  • Thank you Ailsa2. I hope it doesn't feel weird but I looked at your profile and is seems we are travelling the same rocky road. My husband was diagnosed in June 2018 with GBM4.....

    Much love to you and your partner. Xxx

  • I hear you 01592009, you are not alone in feeling this way. Wishing you the strength to endure xxx

  • Thank you Vulpes, I had hoped some sleep would help but I still feel like I just can't go on. Wish I was stronger at the moment with some wise words of support for you. But as you say we are not alone and it feels good to at least be heard and understood.

    Much love and kindness to you. Xxx

  • By knowing we are not alone we find strength, one day at a time. I read on here someone said. Inch by inch life's a sinch, yard by yard life is hard. I know life's really y not easy , but remember you are important too and you can only do your best xx

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Needing friends,

    Thank you for this, you are so right and I love the quote. Just wanted to say to all that writing on here and being supported by you all led me to speak to several different people and explain what I was going through and how I was feeling about it. I now feel back in one piece and am at the hospital ready to spend an afternoon in the sun with hubby. Everything else can wait for now..... 

    Thank you all again for your valuable support. Xxx

    Love and strength to you all. :-)


  • Keep going and hope you can take a moment here and there to take a breath. Sending some CyberStrenght your  way.