
  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi guys 

Just found out last tuesday my wife has 2 tumours in her left breast n we aint coping very well also gt a slight lump on her limphodes im so scared for her its gut wrenching ots hard it makes me angry shes been given this im new to this so i tryin to be there but every day all i think is damnn my wifes gt cancer id like to no how u cope please cos i feel im not doing a good job i just wana take it from her n give it to me shes only 39 

Thanks mark

  • FormerMember

    hi mark

    I felt the same as you when my wife was diagnosed with Osteosarcarmo 2 years ago. I wanted to take her pain away and protect her and her children. To say she have gone through hell in 2 years is putting it mildly. She has had her left arm and shoulder amputated and her thighbone replaced with a "steel pin" I take my courage from her, she was determined to beat this but unfortunately she has been diagnosed as terminal. I hate that word, like a train reaching its destination!!!!. I should be bitter I should be angry I should be sad, at some point I will feel all of these, but all I feel now is pride that I have shared this amazing womans life for 7 years. I am not the best carer but I do my best, my life is now hers and I give it to her with pride.

    give your wife the love and support she has come to know and love. I cannot speak for everyone but I feel every carer as doubts avout their effectiveness and feeling of futility. 

    regards Ady

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks ady its just hard i hope she can be peaceful n u sound like ur doin ur best mate we just havnt gt a clue as we hav 4 young kids n i agree terminal wat a pisstake i just need to be strong sumtimes im good but tgen i lose my shit 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hiya, my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 endometrial ( form of ovarian) cancer back in October. She was close to death when they told us. 6 chemo sessions; 4 radiotherapy sessions and now back onto chemo. 

    Shes a strong woman but they have said its purely palliative care they can offer. Her emotions are ( as I’m sure you are finding with your situation) all over the place, one minute up, the next ready to rip my head off.

    being a carer isn’t easy, there’s no simple rules to abide by.... nothing written in a book for you to follow. You will become a mental battering post, a punchbag and nothing u do will seem right.  Please please do not think you are failing. Anything and everything you do to help your partner will be appreciated but the treatment sometimes doesn’t allow them to express it. 

    My final advice is to make time for yourself, that isn’t easy I know but even if it’s at the end of the day when everyone is in bed - have 10-15 minutes for you. Read a book, listen to music or do something you want to do. If you don’t, u will burn out both physically and mentally. 

    Everyone on the forum is also here to help, listen and support. Think of the forum as The Musketeers- all for one and one for all. You’ve got this fella
