New 2 gtoup

  • 7 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Thought I would introduce myself. My name is Darren. But dal   daz  dazza is fine I'm 23  looking after mum who has secondary breast cancer (treatable  but not curable)  n little sis who's 15   n also have  older sis who's  25


  • Hi dazza, we are here for you. You can say whatever you need to without feeling is that your mum must be so proud of you. Stronger together, look after each other x

    Love is eternal
  • Hi dazza, we are here for you. You can say whatever you need to without feeling is that your mum must be so proud of you. Stronger together, look after each other x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Thanks wasnt really expecting a reply  . It's a bit hard 2 sit with with my mates has none of them been though anything like this  . My mum is the most strongest person I know  . her 2nd time she going through this n we lost our dad to cancer 


  • G'day Dazza,

    Firstly, welcome to the club that no-one ever wanted to join. While everyone's cancer journey is different, we're all in the same boat as you - paddling away like crazy and (most likely) feeling like you're standing still.

    Secondly, am I correct in assuming you're an Aussie? If so, feel free to message me - I'm from Sydney and have been my wife's full time carer for a bit over 7 years. Only to happy to be an online sounding board for you if it's a bit hard to chat with your mates about this.

    If it gets too much for you - this is the perfect place to rant, rave, scream, swear and blow off steam. We've all been there and we've all done it. I've learnt so many new cussing phrases from here. ;-)

    Ewen :-)

    The day after your journey ends, the sun will still rise.
    As will you.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to panic

    Yo Ewen 

    Na mate I'm from east end of London 


  • Mea culpa Daz.

    Daz and Dazza are very common abbreviations for Darryl down under (down here everyone's name either gets contracted down to a single syllable (Daz) or gets an "O" added to it (Johnno).

    Either way, my offer still stands. If you ever want to have a chat, feel free to send me a message through this forum (the envelope-y looking icon in the top right hand corner of your screen).

    Ewen :-)

    The day after your journey ends, the sun will still rise.
    As will you.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to panic

    Cheers mate I will do