Mum's First Day at Home after Chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all, 

I'm feeling very anxious today as Mum was discharged from first round of chemo yday eve & it's my first day of caring for her in my home, but she was sick this morning and just wanting to sleep today. Am worried as her meds came back up (called helpline & they said not to re-administer the strong pain killers). She has kept down another anti-sickness tablet but has not wanted to eat a thing. I know I should just let her sleep, but the thought of her not eating & looking so ill is making me worried. She is very pale & temperature was a little high, but ok now. She is Day 6 from chemo so all to be expected I guess. Hopefully she'll accept some food & more meds later, I guess I just need to keep trying... Any tips would be much appreciated though - thank you.

  • Hi , sorry to read about your mum. We often hear about issues around food and sometimes it can seem to become a real stressor between patient and carer; in practice of course people can go some time without food and sometimes move to a more liquid diet. Taste can go all over the place on chemo too and that can make people less willing to eat too.

    I know how hard it can be seeing your loved one be sick but just have to think of it as the cancer losing  glad you are tracking temp though and that you have the helpline to back you up.



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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to src60

    Thanks Steve. I will definitely think of it as the cancer losing and hoping for a better day today. 

    It's taking her ages to take each medication so am worried the timings are all out of kilter but just got to keep trying little & often I guess - I think she fears me going into the room now though! 

    Hopefully once the sickness passes she'll be better at taking the meds & start to eat again. 

    Part of the sickness feeling comes about from experiencing horrible smells including metal (she has had Carboplatin chemo), but am burning some lavender aromatherapy and that is seeming to help at the mo - phew! I guess it's just a case of trying different things.