Latest scans

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Well bit of a mixed bag last Friday when we saw the oncologist about Bill . C.T was clear some lung changes which they thought was a lung infection rather than anything sinister he has a cough and a lot of phelgm and breathlessness which has been better after some steroids .But not clear yet so off to GP next week . The M.R.I had not been reported but oncologist thoughht it looked ok said he would chase it up and ring us. Well we never heard any more from him so We rang the specialiat nurses .She read out the report no lesions visible but an area of enhancement on the edge of the margin of second met removal .This can be dead tissue or the start of new diesease .This happened last time they wernt sure after the radiotherapy what the area if enhancement was but it was a tumour so gut feeling is that it is it is probably spreading outwards. Even if its necrosis it not a good sign .So really nothing we can do until next scan and his tretment options are limited he cant have any more Stereothatic Radiotherapy at the moment and he dosent want any more surgery two awake Crainiotomies are more than enough .On a happier note the steroids have helped him gain weight and we are going on a cruise to the Norwegian Fjords next month . So take care everyone and keep posting it really helps xx