Thinking Of All You Carers Tonight

  • 1 reply
  • 39 subscribers

Hello everyone.

I know I haven't posted here in a very long time. I haven't even read many of the posts here over the last number of months. I don't know why; I suppose because reading the posts here and engaging would have reminded me so much of the time when I myself was a carer and on this forum because I was looking for support from other carers. My husband passed away from advanced prostate cancer in May of last year. And, although I joined the "Bereaved Spouse" group, I have never left this one because I knew that one day I would feel strong enough to come back and hopefully be able to help others here.

Tonight I would just like to say that I am thinking of all of you in the various difficult situations you are finding yourselves in. I am sure you are doing the best you can, each of you, to support your loved ones.

Lots of love and strength and every good wish to everyone


  • FormerMember

    Dear MelanieL

    im sorry to read of your loss, your husband will be very proud of you for finding the strength to come back and help others. 

    Thank you for your very kind & thoughtful post, It means a lot to those like myself struggling to deal with what is thrown at us as Carers for loved ones.

    Love & very best wishes as you continue life’s journey x