Hard time at the moment

  • 2 replies
  • 42 subscribers

My partner had his scan today, we cried until 2 am this morn silently together, he keeps thanking me for everything I do for him,for being there etc,it's hard,and even harder when I leave him.

Though we have been together a long time we still run our own homes,we come and go between two homes,just due to my work,we have families etc,but not because of anything negative at all.

But so difficult to leave him sometimes, even though he does enjoy sitting in the garden with a cuppa or playing his guitars, very thereputic for him,and then he let's his emotions run wild!

We have also discussed should the time come when he needs to be 'nursed' he will then come to my home as I have a bungalow and it will be easier.

I don't mean to sound negative, but we are being practical, should we need to be!

I work long hours between appointments etc in a hospital, on wards caring for patients and they too can be end of life,have cancer,or any number of things,so sometimes it's harder than others,but not as difficult as my lovely caring partner battling this nasty thing beginning with 'C'!

Early night for me ,I hope tomorrow is a better days.

So looking forward to our break away next week.

Love to everybody and anybody wanting to read my waffle!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Monto15

    im sorry you’re both having such a tough time this cancer malarkey is awful but it sounds like you are doing a fabulous job and if it works for you then that’s the best thing. I hope you manage to sleep as caring for a loved one and holding down a job is no easy task.

    take care & and I’m sending a virtual hug x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sunset19

    Thankyou so much for your message, I am shattered to be truthful, I am going to try to catch up on some sleep tonight, as I have a long day in work tomorrow.

    Take care,and thankyou again. X