Bowel Cancer Treatments and aftermath

  • 3 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hello Everyone,

My mother has recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer. I have spoken to her briefly about the appointments that she's had and so on, but that is all. I am worried and constantly think about it; I don't want to bring it up because I don't want to make her feel even more anxious and frustrated than she already feels. I decided to join this community to help. I have many questions. As I mentioned, we have briefly talked about everything that is happening, but I know she will have surgery soon, and she explained a little about what the doctors will do during the surgery. I do not know the size of the cancer or what stage it is, but she told me that if there is a leakage, this can put her life in danger. I have no words to describe how I felt hearing her saying that. Because I lack so much knowledge about bowel cancer and I don't go to her appointments with her (she prefers to go alone), I feel completely useless. So, if anyone has any advice or has/had bowel cancer and after-surgery experience if you don't mind sharing, I will be thankful. I want to ask a question: What will be the next step if there is leakage? And will it be a danger to someone's life?

  • Hi  sorry to hear about the journey you are on with your mother. I see you have posted in our Famiky and Friends Group and let’s see if anyone with first hand experience picks up on this post.

    You may want to consider joining and posting in our dedicated Bowel (colon and rectum) cancer support group also as this will connect you with others who have walked the treatment path or are supporting family who are being treated.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello,

    I appreciate your support, and I will join the group now. 

    - Siobhan

  • Hi Si0bhanA..  I have had Stage 3 bowel cancer, which blocked my colon, I had emergency surgery, ended up in ITU for 10 days and woke up with a stoma.  I found that harder than anything else.  However, 9 months after surgery for the tumour I had my stoma removed and have never looked back.  I found out just before xmas 2023 that my colon cancer has metastised to my lung, so I am now Stage 4, and about to start SABR Treatment.  My advice to you and to your Mum is to have an open discussion, warts and all.  The realty is yes this is serious stuff, but,  I got everything organised, spoke to everyone and together we got through it - I wouldn't have done so without my family or my friends or even my work colleagues support.  We laughed a lot about Bertie (the stoma) and the challenges he posed - its awful and scary, but a great mindset will help a lot.  Good luck!