
  • 3572 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hello everyone,

the title says it all, this is a thread for everyone at any and all hours of day and night, to post, help, laugh, cry and anything in between. There will be no nasty posts, everyone who joins in will be gentle, considerate and kind to everyone else. Hugs to all......xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo

    Just wandering past with ginger cake & a cuppa & that chair looks mighty comfy,better check nobody's snuggled down in it

    Nope,it's empty

    Ahh,that's better,just get my feet up & settled in for the night



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just popped my head in and saw that everyone was settled, and didn't want to disturb you all.

    I noticed the dead fly biccy's were running low Javron so replenished them, a d left abar of turkishdelight chocolate for you Sister, as I love it too.

    Don't know if you noticed the jar of chocolate options, belgian chocolate.  I love this with a biscuit when I am peckish.

    Haven't been sleeping well recently, and took a couple of days off, so hoping R&R works.

    love and hugs my friends and sleep tight.

    Chris xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for the choccie Chris,hope you found the 4 squares i left you in the back of the fridge & nobody got to them first,i was eating it at 3.30 this morning & having a chat with my friend the spider

    I'm just going to sit a while & rest my weary feet after a hard day at work

    Hope you're soon feeling rested & better


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I did find it Sister, and I just sat in the recliner with my feet up, and let it melt on my tongue.  Your little friend the spider must be frightened of me, and hiding because I haven't spotted him.

    I didn't get to bed until 5 this morning, and as this week has passed I have had less sleep each night.  I have beentired all day, and am coming back to life now.  I just wish I could find the switch to turn my brain off at night.

    Maybe we will meet tonight and you can introduce me to your friend.

    love and hugs

    Chris xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I hate all this not sleeping & can't remember the last time i had a full nights sleep without the help of the little pills i have by the bed,i don't like to take them but every now & them i'm so exhausted i can't function properly at work,all i need is 1 decent sleep & i'm back on track

    The spider usually hangs out in the corner near the window,i've named him Bob & i talk to him a lot about all my problems & worries,we're usually having a chat about 3am,well i say chat,i talk & he just listens

    Feet are killing me tonight & i feel like i've run a marathon so i'm just going to chill & sit with my feet up,i might even do some studying if i can keep awake


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Evening Ladies,

    Hope I havn't disturbed you creeping in. Glad you left a note Chris that you had the recliner! I tend to just plonk myself in. Never mind, I've found the Beanbag, boy are these comfy. 

    I've just made myself an 007, and thrown another log on the fire. Thank goodness for the faeries keeping the bin topped up.

    Chris, if you manage to find out where that 'Off Switch' is, could you let us all know? with a bit of luck, I might just drop off anyway.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Just put kettle on,anybody fancy a cuppa

    I'm bushed,just had a lovely day out with him indoors,2 hour walk in the woods,trip to the coast & a ride home through little sleepy villages,if i don't sleep tonight i don't think i ever will again

    Hope nobody's in that chair by the window


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well Ian and Sister,

    I must have hit the switch by accident today, but still haven't located it.  I have been yawning and fighting off sleep since before seven tonight.

    I am off to bed and hope to sleep right through.

    love you all and leave you.  You get firstdabs in the recliner tonight Ian.

    hugs and sweet dreams my friends



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Night night Chris

    hope you sleep well

    I had a shocking night last night,might go up with a book soon & see what happens tonight


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well folks,

    I was sound asleep for a full hour and a half, and the light switch in my head went on full beam at 10.30pm when my Hubby came to bed.

    I am still wide awake and no sign of sleep.

    I am going to search fir a boring programme, and turn off the lamp in hope that the lavender oil kicks in and I drift over.

    I can hear you all sznoozeling away, andhope you arehaving happy dreams, anddojng silly things in them.

    big squeezy cuddles

    Chris xxxx