
  • 3572 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hello everyone,

the title says it all, this is a thread for everyone at any and all hours of day and night, to post, help, laugh, cry and anything in between. There will be no nasty posts, everyone who joins in will be gentle, considerate and kind to everyone else. Hugs to all......xxx

  • Chris, I hope you dropped off, I find that if 'Today in Parliament' doesn't do it, then often 'Shipping forecast' does! Mind you that last one sometimes makes me try to imagine where the areas are......

    I've been having bad nights since my cough has been bad, and my breathing is noisy, need my bedside radio on quietly to enable me to concentrate on something else to help me drop off. cuss the cough on top of asthma. 

    Leaving some more squashed fly biccies in the tin as I see levels got pretty low, amazing how popular they are! 

    Love and hugs to all xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    I was thinking of you during the night Moomy.  It is a few days since I heard from you, and I know rhat the cough that is going around seems to last forever.  It is very wearing.

    Thank you for the biccies.  They go down well with a skinny latte.  I have a cheek drinking it skinny after all the biccies and chocolate I consume.  Very sweet tooth though.

    Take care my friend, and the fire is still lovely in here.  I put another log on for anyone to follow. 

    Chris xxxx

  • Bless you, Chris!

    I put my feet up on the sofa, (with the radio softly on- see above!) and the next thing I knew, Afternoon theatre had turned into some sort of quiz show! Yes, I had half an hour's nap.....

    Now for some more biccies with maybe a hot chocolate....

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Pleased to see you back with us Moomy, & i hope you & Chris both sleep better tonight,i was awake at 12.30 but couldn't be bothered to come in & see who else was awake

    Hope nobody minds but i'm commandering the space by the window,i need space for the stool to put my foot on,nasty fall at work today & a boring couple of days with the foot up now to rest a sprain,my aren't A&E waiting rooms dull & boring

    Hope you found the Melton Mowbray pie i put in the fridge yesterday


  • Oh no.....poor you! Take the comfiest chair, hope you have your foot well elevated, don't forget the ice pack! 

    Yes, A&E departments are really boring, mind you, when I broke my wrist about 4 years back, I was in and out astonishingly fast, but that was a complete day after, cos I was away from home, knew to keep it cold and elevated anyway, didn't want to bother a different area's A&E when i knew I'd be home the next day! 

    I have to confess to dividing the pie and eating some with some salad that I brought in....yummy, thank you so much! I had it for lunch.....

    Hugs to all xxx (and ice that foot and keep it elevated!) 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    The pie is yummylicious,i brought them home for all the family & my good friends here from our day out yesterday

    The foot is well elevated & i'm now going to hop & get the ice pack & take ibuprofen,only been here since lunch time & i'm bored already

    hope nobody minds if i do a bit of knitting,if the clicking needles start to annoy anybody please say & i'll get my book out


  • Hope you managed some sleep with that poorly foot and ankle, sister snail........take it easy! ....hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Not the best of nights,you have a job to get comfortable when the limbs hurt don't you,maybe i'll get a little doze this afternoon

    Thanks for asking

    Love & hugs


  • Oh sister snail, you looked comfy, I hope I didnt wake you, that poor foot, it looks bruised. I left a fresh ice pack on the tray ready for when you wake, saves you getting up to go to the freezer......

    i sat down for a few minutes, woke to find I'd been here an hour.....crept out, hoping I didn't wake anyone. 

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Morning all

    Thanks for the ice pack Moomy,i found it about midnight when i woke up & thank you to whoever left the glass of water & ibuprofen with it & picked my book up off the floor

    Swelling gone down now so back to work tomorrow,hurrah,i'm not a very good patient & don't do sitting about 

    Hope everybody has a good day
