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This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    So glad to hear your words Mel, you can do it we know you can and when you fall we will pick you up XXX
  • FormerMember
    Yeah but who's gonna pick you up? LOL

    I think we shall all just have to lay down on the floor form now on, then there will be no falling !!!

    See I'm a genius !!!!!!!!


    Mushroom XXXX
  • FormerMember
    Ha Ha great Mel, as long as we have mars bars on the floor we will be fine!!!!!!!

    I hope today is a good one I think the sunshine helps lift us a little.

    You know where I am (((((((((special)))))))))

  • FormerMember
    I love Thursdays, it means the weekend is fast approaching.
    Today i woke with an urge to spend spend spend..............
    so when i do the weekly bank visit later i think i will go and wax the the debit card.......
    don't know about you lot, but i HAVE NO summer clothes, i don't know what i wore last summer but i've looked in all the wardrobes in the house and there are no summer clothes and even worse i have no summer SHOES or handbags.

    So that's what my plans are for the next few days, i need a wedding outfit (Mel can i borrow that hat) or maybe a nice fascinator
    pretty dress, killer heels & a fab new bag and a x large pair of magic knickers to keep it all in place
  • FormerMember
    Glad to hear i'm not the only magic knicker buyer. ha ha XXX
  • FormerMember

    Morning friends

    It's so good to have somewhere to come to again, it's been strange the last few weeks without everyone around.

    Well, I've had a good sleep so am a little more with it today but getting a bit worried about the lack of energy I seem to have nowadays. It could be stress but it seems to be on a daily basis now and while on holiday, I was exhausted just doing all the usual touristy things and walking around. Each day I was falling fast asleep during the afternoon and it's not like me at all. Have any of you experienced this?
    Being away has shown me how much I am not myself at the moment, my heart was just not in it and Dad was constantly on my mind. He would always want to know all about my time away when I got back and I miss being able to tell him all about it. I don't know, maybe this tiredness is all just part of the grief and I'm worrying too much. Nothing new there then!

    Em - thank you so much for starting this new thread. I am finding it so hard to deal with all of Dad's stuff too. Maybe we just need to do a little bit at a time, when we feel able to. It's tough to know where to start though isn't it? x

    Mel - hun, the guilt is a huge part of grief, especially to begin with. You so deserve a holiday and although I know what you are saying, about it feeling disloyal, you know deep down that it isn't and that your Mum would want you to have some time away with your lovely hubby and kiddies right now x

    Helen - hope you are going to keep popping your head in now and again mate, we miss you on here. You need to get that whip of yours out to keep us all in check! x

    Jac - I know we haven't posted to each other much but I know how hard things are for you right now and wanted to let you know that you and your family have been in my thoughts. I hope that you feel able to join us again so that we can support you the way you have given support to so many in the past x

    Cath - hope you are doing ok, we haven't spoken for a while. Loved the picture of you and your Dad together. Good luck with the run, I'm doing mine in just over three weeks and haven't even started training yet! x

    Den - it's good to see you here. Hope all is going ok with the little one x

    Wendy - I hope that right now, you have your feet up watching trashy daytime tv with a huge box of choccies by your side. It's only natural to be feeling scared hun but you will be fine and the rest of us mummies are here to ease any of your worries and I just know you will be a fantastic mummy. Speak soon x

    Nic - happy shopping for later, you can't beat a bit of retail therapy x

    Lesley, Dawn - Good to see you both around again x

    Heidi - hi again. Hope you will join us from time to time, we don't bite, honest! x

    Bern - you recovered from the flight yet? Where is you, we want to here all about your trip x

    Right, I'm off to tackle the mountain of washing that is waiting for me. Will pop in again later on.

    Love to all X

  • FormerMember
    seriously then? so whats the best make of magie knickers to buy?
  • FormerMember

    I'm just so glad we can all stay together now. We all know each other well enough to know if we are struggling and needing support or feeling okay enough to be happy even for a short while and won't take offence.

    It is lovely to see everybody trying to post again and guys I do know we are all really struggling with things at the moment but as Lesley say's keep doing it. X

    By the way the sun is still shining which makes me smile as Mel and Helen both said to feel the warmth of the sun on your face is your loved ones hand. How nice that feels.

  • FormerMember
    Hey Nic,

    You know the best ones I have found at the moment are in the next directory as I need the really high waist as my baby belly pushes over the top if they don't come right up under my boobs lol.

    I have a full knicker a thong and also the shorts from them and they are all fab X
  • FormerMember

    It's so true Em because the first day that I visited Dad's resting place, the sun came out just as I was leaving and it really did feel as though his hand was on my face. It was so comforting.

    I really had best get on with some housework now, it won't get done by itself will it? X

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