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  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember

    I'm the first one to post today. Yipppeeeee.

    I am off to the police station to look at mug shots, a whole 3 months after the burglary, I can't remember yesterday let alone three months ago so this will be fun.

    Then I am off for a two day session of retail therapy. It will begin today at my local shopping centre then continue in the holy mecca of retail therapy known as Lakeside tomorrow. I will forewarn you all that whenever I buy summer clothes, there is no summer, and this is why you all do not remember your summer outfits from last year, you didn't get them out of the wardrobe !!!!

    Love to y ou all, and I will catch you later.

    Be good, or be naughty as it's much more fun


    P. S. My lovely Barbie princess, do you have any fingers left now or have they been typed to little stumps !!!! Love you. X

  • FormerMember

    Morning All,

    WhooooHoooooo Barbie. You are a bad aim, so you better bring your catapult, aim between the eyes!!! Me thinks the lady has her fighting spirit back. Delighted to see. Well, in answer to your last question, I will be a Martini lady...anytime, anyplace, anywhere!! As long as I am not on holiday...ha ha ha. Yeah, right need to rob a bank before we have our next one!!

    Melly - stay away from the summer clothes. I think you need to go and buy big wooly jumpers. Please..... Organised a BBQ yesterday for tonight for hubbys birthday and what does it do today? Rain!!! So, now I don't know whether to move it to the pub, or just do a massive chilli or something. Have 15 people at last count and our house isn't big enough for them all. Might have to hand our umbrellas, so they can stay outside!!! Happy jumper shopping

    Den - how you doing honey?

    Sam - you finished that cleaning yet? Put it down woman and do some cartwheels, far more fun!!

    Cath - did you go to Rome too recently? Or have I gone mad? Well I think you should go and have a great time!!!!

    Nic - helloooooo. you would think Barbie would win the lottery so we don't have to work anymore!! Hope the sun is shining for you today.

    Sue - know you want to come and play!! How is the gym going?

    Em - you still bopping away? How you honey? What danciong do the girls do? How do you manage with 5 girls? Makes my mind boggle....well not surprising as I only have to look after myself and the cat.....I do that wrong at times!!

    SAM Sam - hello lady how you diddling?? Do you know Kung-Fu??

    Dawn - hellooooo to you. Hows your training for the race going? Has anyone actually started running yet? I'm swimming and afraid to run. Women aren't designed to run!!

    Lesley - how are you honey? Hope things are good your end

    KELSEY - Yooo HOO everyone is here waiting for you. We have cake and wine waiting for you!!

    Wendy - still waiting for answer to yesterday questions. Tell me on the quiet cause then we can split the sweepstack together!!

    Heidi - how are you honey? I think of you often and hope that you are still able to smile your wonderful smile.Wow, your doing amazingly well on your fundraising. I'm thinking of chasing up my mates, as they are rubbish and have promised but no £ signs have been seen. I have a sneaky yet nice way of getting more money!!

    Jac - sweetheart sending you oodles of hugs. Don't hide away for too long. Remember, we are all here for you. Just rootin tootin for ya honey. We don't have magic wands, we have our friendships instead and ears to listen, hands to hold and arms to hug. If you don't write it down here, then write down somewhere how you are feeling. You need to have a release. Have a cup of tea..

    Much love to you all. I need to do some work and think about what I am doing about this sodden get together tonight. Oooo the sun is coming out a bit. Mel, keep thinking jumpers, bobble hats, scarfs, gloves......Bern xx

  • FormerMember
    Hello Girlies,
    how are you all?
    Sorry I have not been around for a couple of days, I went and had my amino test on Wednesday, everything seems fine so far so fingers crossed, but it did make me feel a bit under the weather,
    I know the sun is shining there, its not here, back in jumpers and wellies again, its been pouring with rain for the last two days and is forecast until at least Monday, seems like we have swapped weather.
    Den xxxxx
  • FormerMember
    Yay!!!! How great Helen I had cider and black last night an old tipple from my student days feel like re-living my youth ha ha. I'm glad your home and counting down the days of zapping. XXX

    Bern the girls do Freestyle(disco) dancing and are fab especially my eldest many, many trophy's in our house.

    I am on Tony watch as he is only working over the road and will be home in a short wihile so if I dissapear you all know why!!! lol
  • FormerMember
    Mel, Hope the retail therapy helps to keep your mind busy hun XXX You are doing it even if you don't realise it XXX

    Sam, I hope you have recovered from your trip and your feeling a little better today XXX

    Jac, I love you hun and wish things where different XXX Ladies please keep Jac in your thoughts she is'nt feeling very strong at the moment and is struggling to post.XXX

  • FormerMember
    Nic, How's things has your sister recovered from the upst of her first birthday without Mum? Thinking of you chickXXX

    Wendy & Den, I hope you are both looking after those little bundles and Den glad the amnio went okay I imagine you panicked for the first 24 hrs, how long does it take to get the results? I'm sure it's fine XXX

  • FormerMember

    Lesley, Cath, Dawn, Kel, I hope you are all okay ladies think of you often XXX

    Anybody I have'nt mentioned I is very sorry but am having to type quickly efore I get caught ha ha XXX

  • FormerMember
    Morning Em,
    I get the results in a month, no reason to think there is anything wrong, they only did it because of me age, we will also find out what flavour it is so that will be exciting,
    Hope you are alright
  • FormerMember

    Help ----- having bash and numbers are going up. One veggie - so cheese sandwich for them!! Only joking!!

    Thinking instead os doing a 70s style party instead of BBQ - as may rain. What do I put in vol-a-vonts? Any suggestions? Salad, cocktail sausages, quiche.........Cheese and pineapple sticks!! Or should I make a big chilli

    Answers on a mail. Plus don't have time on my hand as working today. Uck!! My big bloody ideas!! X

    PS: Den delighted everything is good for you and bump. x

  • FormerMember
    Den, Thats great hun I bet your excited about finding out the flavour!!!

    Bern, Vol au vonts (spelling?) we usually put prawn/mayo, tuna/mayo and things like that but it will be easier to throw a chilli in a big pot me thinks ha ha