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  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    Well you gang of lovely rope builders
    The sun is shining and the air is fresh
    i hope you all have a wonderful day whatever your doing.
    Me? i'm off to give the office a clean, cause even though it's 19 degrees outside it's freezing in here.

    I have 64 days left before i fly off to Malaga for a week of relaxation, i can't wait
  • FormerMember

    Hello me mateys hows you all doing?

    Nic, very nice too, a nice holiday thats what im looking forward too.

    Well, im just reporting in to say the sun is shining the weather is hot and i'm stuck in this bloomin office! Bah!!!

    Well, i'll pop in during the day to see what's happening or not! lol.

    Love to you all Dawn xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello me mateys hows you all doing?

    Nic, very nice too, a nice holiday thats what im looking forward too.

    Well, im just reporting in to say the sun is shining the weather is hot and i'm stuck in this bloomin office! Bah!!!

    Well, i'll pop in during the day to see what's happening or not! lol.

    Love to you all Dawn xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Oh and why oh why do i keep posting double??????? I thought i type fast but thats ridiculous!! hehe Dawn xxxx
  • FormerMember
    Good Morning my fellow sun worshippers ha ha yes the sun is shining here too!!!!

    I have done the school run and now fee I have to tackle the domestic work before my paperwork as I know after this afternoon I am going to be snowed under with paperwork!!!!

    Listen people has anybody got any ideas as I still have all Dad's stuff bagged/boxed as I had no strength to go through it when we moved it all out as you may remember we had to pack eveything up the weekend after Dad died. I know go into the room and struggle to even look at it, I have'nt even emptied the hospice bag :-(

    I really don't think I should leave it another couple of years !!!! So if anybody has any ideas on how we do this bit it would be great.

    By the way guys I don't know whats going on with my typing lately I have'nt decided if it's me or the keyboard yet but words seem to dissapear?????????????

    Sohow are you all today?

    Love & Strength Emx
  • Hello girls
    hope you dont mind an old lady joining you. After coming back on this site i have had a job and half finding familar faces and its good to see you here.
    Always wondered what the Mushroom business was, Mel, I have a similar hat, think i will get it out and wear it when i am on here. Need a bit of fun in my life.
    I am having fantasy holidays until i can get a real one, so far i have been to Barbados and Spain this week alone !
    And the sun is shining today and its a me day so i am off down the beach (That is real, i live in Torbay)
    love to you all
  • FormerMember
    Lynne, I hope you enjoy the sunshine XXX
  • FormerMember

    MMMMMMMMmm Torbay, i usually go there in June for the Waste Managment show, but this year were not exhibiting, i love it there, the weather is great. So i will have to have a virtual 4 days in Torbay this year.

    I think if Northern Ireland hit over 17 degrees we should all be allowed home, we never get good weather and it's shit being stuck in work

  • FormerMember


    When we sort through mums things we just do one thing at a time. A night for clothes, a night in the kitchen etc
    I also gave away a lot of her furniture to relatives as it was all new.
    So don't push yourself too much, just do a bag/box at a time.
    I split the clothes between the charity shops but i did keep some things that remind me of her, there are a few fashion diasters that she actually wore and we all refused to go out with her in public, mum would have doubled over with giggles laughing at us, so then we used to disown her in the shops. lol

    There is still a bit to sort in mums house, but i have not been there in about 8 weeks now.

  • FormerMember
    Oooohhh I'm so sad to see that Lynne has lost Rob they have been fighting for such a long time to keep him with them. Life is so unfair. XXX