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  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    Greetings all,

    Well I am recharged from my holiday and still don't want to do any work. Should be careful what I wish for or they may just sack me!!! I have noticed a difference this time and I think this holiday has confirmed to me that I am in a good place.

    Oooo I can feel a group hug coming on. Cause you are all splendid. You never forget that even though sadness brought evryone together there is still a lot to be happy and grateful for. When I was away I lit a candle for you all. In this beautiful old Church. It was roasting outside, yet the Church was cool and dark and peaceful. It made me think of you all and I hope you feel the strength I asked for.

    The path of grief is an odd one and one we must all travel many times, sadly. But also luckily, cause my life is enriched with many good people, and for that I am blessed. Therefore when they go I will grieve. I know now that death never wins, only if I let it. Cause love is everlasting, strange things happen for no reason and they make me smil, cause I know I am not alone - ooo sounding a bit X-Files!!!

    Sam - honey give it time. Remember take everyday as it comes. Write things down that upset you. You are sleeping cause you feel rough. I did that too. The problem is you need to start doing exercise to give you more energy and that is the last thing you want to do. Do it though honey, you have to. Get in the car and go somewhere NEW and take the dog for a walk. This is a battle against grief and you will not give into that either. Your dad is still by your side honey, just when it feels all dark around you, you can't always see him.

    Catch ya later all. Love and hugs Bern xx

    PS: Barbie - will you ever change those socks?? ha ha ha

    PPS: are these knickers magic, as you make them disappear???? Oooo sounds saucy!!
  • FormerMember
    Well I presume the quietness means your all enjoying the beautiful

  • FormerMember
    well i didn't get let out of my cage at luch time, so i just shopped online and treated myself to a
    Jo Malone Amber & Lily candle and a bottle of Wild fig cologne,
    not sure what the cologne is like as living in this stupid place we have no Jo Malone outlets.

    Our sunshine is fading and it's getting a bit windy
  • FormerMember
    Oooo Wendy, any contractions yet?? How big were you as a baby? Just trying to work out odds!!!!

    Love to all and have a wonderful evening. Catch ya tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day and I hope you all wake with a smile on your face and in your heart. So no matter what the rest of the day throws your way, you can still give this illness the royal two finger salute and say Up Yours!!

    Love and hugs Bern xx
  • FormerMember

    TOOOOOOONNNNEEE...Its summer time and even if it is windy where you are Nic, listen to this and you get that summer vibe. Are you rocking in your chair??!!

    I have mown the lawn and broken the mower!!! Well, won't have that job again!! ha ha. Maybe I should do that with many other that is a plan!! An expensive way to be lazy. May have to re-think that one!! XX

  • FormerMember
    Well goodnight my lovley ladies I am back from dancing with the girls and about to eat my hunters chicken and maybe have a

    Love & Strength XXX
  • FormerMember
    P.S Bern I'm rocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FormerMember
    Sorry I miss you all today, but I hope to catch you all tomorrow.

    Be good until then, but if you're naughty remember to save all the details to tell me later.

    All my love

    Melly Mushroom

  • FormerMember
    hello hello hello hello

    Well my friends how cool is this thread its just like old times hey. Who are we missing dont think i seen jac or kel here yet so will get on me dyson and go hunt them down hey.

    Bern and sam gosh both back from hols on the same day then both go to sleep and no fill us in on all the details and i know for a fact that in sams few days she would have had a full schedule.

    Hey em a tipple of what? if its wine cider or vodka im on my way hell if its alchol im on my way. Look at what you have done again brought us all together and given us a place again. Thank you thank you thank you - i go find you some snow now.

    oh mushroom i have been very bad hee hee not really so not got lots to tell you - how has your day been - i take it you nearly had standy up hair buzzzzzzzzzzz - you doing an ab fab job hun eventhough you may not see it.

    Sam hee hee what shall i say now ummmmmmmmmmmmm am sure there is something i should be wragging you about now what could it be mmmmmmmm gosh my brain cell just not in gear tonight must be getting a wiff of your wine.

    Bern it is good to see you back hun we has all missed your words of wisdom and i have missed our adventures - so what time you calling in tonight? What u mean change my socks - hey not had them on a month yet so they be just fine - not gone crispy yet lol

    Nic hello my spy friend you ready for another mission???? what shall we go steal tonight or shall we play hide and seek with the queens guards

    Sam was it the piles of washing you have to do mmmmm no that wasnt it mmmmm

    Wendy hope you are putting your feet up and not getting too board with day time tv - and tomorrow dont forget to put suntan cream on your snoz. Now you is not allowed that little one out until we is all ready - im toooo young to be a cyber aunt so can you keep hold for a couple of years??? hee hee

    Sam could it be the laughing at the snoaring mmmm not thats still not it

    Jac come on girl we missing your pictures and laughs. Hope you is doing ok hun know things are real tough at mo but you know what they say - talking helps loads and we is all listening.

    Oh i know sam it was the oh no that wasnt it either sam gosh just cant remember must be my age - lol

    Kel where are you hun have you not found us yet - we come looking for you soon so you better get here quick or else. Hope you is managing hun and enjoying the sun.

    Sam do you realise you is currently 1 year 11 months 2 weeks and 2 days older than me!!!!!

    Sue my mad twin i bet you will be on here soon you has to come on and say hi to all. Still proud a u - hee hee.

    Does that mean sam you will be a whole 2 years older than me soon Hee Hee!!! Hey that was it you is OLD hee hee only joking mate we more!!!!!!!!

    Lesley dawn sue cath hey girls how are you all doing? What a great place this is for us all nwo and its great to see some of you guys back on here and chatting again.

    Den Den hey cyber aunt again yes???? gosh how will we ever manage? Hope you is doing ok in all this heat with baby - how hot has it been over there.

    SAM sam has you been here yet - im suprised you not been sneaking in to steal sams wine that she has hidden under the bed.

    Gosh not sure if i have everyone think i have seen a lynn w around as well so hello lynn.

    Oh Oh oh i know who i have missed - barbie how the hell are you barbs wow you is looking good girl how do you do it. Well girl how is you doing? got lots of gossip for you hun so give me a shout when you get 5 and i will give you a call - gosh it is offical i has lost the plot and is not only talking to me but writing myself messages as well - argh.

    Not sure if i should do this here so em do tell me off if i shouldnt and i can move it honest but was gonna give you a little update as you all must be so bloody confused at what has been happening and where i is at.

    Not going to go into detail about what has been over the last few weeks as it has been and gone now and I is nearly done me zappings - only have 4 more to go - 3 after tomorrow so that is good yes - i is at home again now and loving every min of it so that is also good yes. Am seeing the con - opps said the c word please forgive me - tomorrow so am prepared to throw things at him have me back pack packed with all me naff ordiments so watch out doc. Pain is manageable and they are helping me loads with top up drugs - hey could make a fortune selling them i bet. Not really much else to tell you. other than i is a ok.

    Well ladies (dont think we have gents yet do we?????) i will bid you fair well if you is still awake after my babbling and will promise not to come on too often with long essays like this but blame mel she said she wanted a tall one.

    Love to you all and yes bern a big group squeeshy hug

    Me the mad doll


    P.S. One more word MEET WHEN WHERE ok that was 3 words but hey im blonde.

  • FormerMember
    opps that wasnt just bloody long it was huuuugggggeeeeeeee - tall enough for you mel!!!!!

    I cant arf waffle when i get going!!!!
