Diagnosed 3 weeks ago with breast cancer

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Hi, i was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with left breast cancer. I originally had one biopsy of the lump in my breast amd one of the lymph node underarm. Results came back that the lump is a 15mm tumour and the one under arm lymph node isnt cancerous however the consultant surgeon was not convinced. I had all the scans and was booked in for a repeat biopsy of the lymph node. The day came pretty quickly and i went for this biopsy, only to find out that my MRI scan results were back and i have 4 tumours in left breast and potentially 2 in the lymph nodes so i had another 7 biopsies this day. It was the worst thing iv ever experienced. The anaesthetist helped with the breast biopsies but underarm i felt everything, i was traumatised. Cried like a baby, my mum was crying too. It was just over a week ago and i still dont think iv gotten over it. Im now waiting for these results to find out what surgery i will be having and then what treatment. I hope they dont take long, the pain in my breast is annoying. I now feel my nipple is inverted and tingly pain. I suffer with anxiety and depression and im on medication for it, this is all such a hard thing to avoid letting myself sink. I am a strong woman been through so much in my 45 years of life so i believe and have faith im gonna be alright. I just have my moments where i feel sad and im abit snappy and irritable. Iv also got so much worries with my son as he is awaiting life threatening surgery. His health hasnt been great and so iv got it all worrying me. My sleeps abit all over the place at the moment. I wasnt sure about coming in here but i do need to speak with others going through this. Thankyou for allowing me the opportunity. 

  • First chemo today. Nervous, anxious but positive qnd strong aswell. Got theough the port implantation yesterday and that i didnt think i would so i can get through anything. Deep brewths and stay calm is what i keep telling myself. Also trust in the lord. 

  • Hi Clairesfunfaces,

    You are strong and you will overcome this.

    I had my 1st chemo last Friday. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The staff were lovely and talked me through everything.They give you good medications to overcome any side effects.

    The week after chemo I felt fatigue, listen to your body and rest. I had some gastric upset but manageable. I experienced heartburn, but peptac and rennies helped.

    I did experience some bone pain from the injections I had to take on days 3 to 7, but I took dissolving paracetamol every 4 hours during the last 2 days of injections. 

    The day after the injections stopped, I woke up feeling more like myself and still do.

    My advice is to listen to your body and keep your journal of any side effect to discuss before your next cycle to try to make your recovery as comfortable as possible. I'm day 11 in my 3 weekly cycles and feel back to myself.

    Good luck, be kind to yourself xx

  • I had 8 rounds of chemo (I had my last 22nd March). I agree with everything Missymolly says. I was also terrified at the thought of my first treatment but you’re given great medication to make it easier and they talk you through everything. The nurses are so nice you can just have a nice chat through it. 
    The injections after aren’t very pleasant but before you know it, you’ll be used to doing it. 
    I also had a lot of heartburn from all the different drugs so I asked my gp to prescribe me with omeprazole which was a god send (I still take them because of the drugs I still take - I really notice the difference if I miss one).

    Good luck Claire, one step at a time - you’ve got this xxx

  • Thankyou darling. So i had my first chemo on thursday. It wasnt too bad. I havent needed any anti sickness since but iv come on a period as i had my mirena coil removed 2 days before. Its giving me a headache because of the bleeding so i feel abit rough from that. Otherwise im generally ok atm. Very tired. I also have omaprazole aswell and i think i will be taking that because i do have a stomach ache bit dont know its because of my period. Im bleeding quite heavy. Im going to the hospital today to pick up some numbing creams so i will mention it to somebody and see what they suggest  i had my 1st home stomach injection yesterday and as i had no numbing cream i put an icepack on the are for 30 minutes. It really helped. 

    Definitely one step at a time

    Thankyou xxx 

  • Hi Clairesfunfaces,

    Glad you've had your first o e also and are doing well with it.

    Good luck with the rest of your recovery xx

  • Hi Clairefunfaces,

    I'm glad you have a treatment plan now.

    I've lost all my hair now I thought it would have been awful but it's not. My wig is much like my hair and my hair will grow back. I even let my 5year old granddaughter cut some of it before the final shave. I took control again. We are so much more than boob's and hair. You're a warrior, a fighter. You're strong. You will get through this.

    Please use the support of the macmillan site and cancer care.  looks good and feels better at least then your doing something good with others in similar situations and wee treats for yourself.

    Just look at it as your getting an MOT of your body. Teeth done, treatment done, then a new you and a new world to explore. Healthier.

    Happy to support and chat on here. Do something nice today, give yourself a wee treat. Explain to dentist your fears they use numbing creams etc. I wish you well. Please keep us updated xxx

  • Hi missymolly how are you doing? I had a really rough week then started tonfeel better towards the end of the 2nd week now im my usual self the last week before chemo again next week. Iv woke up this morning with hairs on my pillow. Im using some lovely stuff on my head and hair though and iv started wearing head garments to compliment my outfits. Im embracing it. 

    I went on the look good feel better workshop and i absolutely loved it. Was at the right time for me and since then iv felt more like me again. Looking after my skin and doing my makeup. My mum n partner were in tears and said how beautiful and glowing i am again. Im going to keep it up and just help myself as much as i can. Xxx

  • Hi Clairefunfaces, 

    I've had a rough few days either bowel infection or reaction to the injections. Thankfully today I feel much better and ready to fave the world again. My 3 weekly cycle means I don't feel my best for about 10days then pick up again in time for next one.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the class. It was brilliant and all the freebies and tips were good. It's was good meeting up with others all at different stages of recovery.

    I see there are others for scalp care and hand and nail care which I might look into. 

    I feel for our families they look on homelessly not knowing what to fo for the best.

    I hope you have a lovely day today. Xx