Diagnosed 3 weeks ago with breast cancer

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Hi, i was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with left breast cancer. I originally had one biopsy of the lump in my breast amd one of the lymph node underarm. Results came back that the lump is a 15mm tumour and the one under arm lymph node isnt cancerous however the consultant surgeon was not convinced. I had all the scans and was booked in for a repeat biopsy of the lymph node. The day came pretty quickly and i went for this biopsy, only to find out that my MRI scan results were back and i have 4 tumours in left breast and potentially 2 in the lymph nodes so i had another 7 biopsies this day. It was the worst thing iv ever experienced. The anaesthetist helped with the breast biopsies but underarm i felt everything, i was traumatised. Cried like a baby, my mum was crying too. It was just over a week ago and i still dont think iv gotten over it. Im now waiting for these results to find out what surgery i will be having and then what treatment. I hope they dont take long, the pain in my breast is annoying. I now feel my nipple is inverted and tingly pain. I suffer with anxiety and depression and im on medication for it, this is all such a hard thing to avoid letting myself sink. I am a strong woman been through so much in my 45 years of life so i believe and have faith im gonna be alright. I just have my moments where i feel sad and im abit snappy and irritable. Iv also got so much worries with my son as he is awaiting life threatening surgery. His health hasnt been great and so iv got it all worrying me. My sleeps abit all over the place at the moment. I wasnt sure about coming in here but i do need to speak with others going through this. Thankyou for allowing me the opportunity. 

  • Hi Clairefunfaces,

    Sorry its not the plan you want. But we can do this. One step at a time. Get your dental appointment. Explain to them your fear and ask if they can do both treatments at once. 

    At oncology appointment they will discuss your treatment plan

    I went last week. Was offered 2 different chemo regime. Hopefully I've chosen the correct one they explained both had similar outcomes. One was less harsh on you that's the one I chose.

    I went for a wig fitting yesterday tried to be positive but cried when trying on wigs. Some were lovely and I think I've ordered one which I like.

    My veins in my arms are not good so I have to attend hospital this afternoon to have a picc line put in place. This scares the hell out of me. But I realise I need to have it done. I have appointments everyday this week with chemo EC starting on Friday morning.

    I'm travelling this journey with you. There are lots of ladies on here on the same journey. It's scary, it's horrible but please try and remember although how we looks plays a large part in our personality we are not just hair and boob's. Getting rid of this cancer allows us to become ourselves again. You can have reconstruction, and your hair will grow back. You can have fun with wigs meantime.

    One step at a time, make sure you use cancer care and macmillan nurses also.

    I wish you well and a speedy recovery. We can do this. Keep me up to date, and I am always happy to chat here xx

  • Thank you, Missymolly. You are such a huge help and comfort. Thank you, and yes, we will do this journey together. I am so petrified of needles, etc. i get myself worked up so much over it all and end up having panic attacks. We do have to be strong and brave. Yes our hair and boobs are part of who we are, they are not who we are you are right. God bless you and will keep you posted. Please keep me posted on your journey too. 

    Wish you a speedy recovery

    Lots of love


  • Hi Clairesfunfaces,

    I had worked myself up to a nervous stomach again. I'm not sure what I expected getting the picc line in. However if you need to have one its not as bad as it sounds.

    The staff were really lovely, explained everything that was going to happen. I was not in pain at all. I could feel a little pressure on my arm where they were working but it had local anaesthetic in it. I thought I might feel the tube going into my vein and chest. However, I didn't. It was over in 15 minutes.

    I took a couple of paracetamol going to bed last night thinking it would help if I had pain once the anaesthetic wore off. But I was fine. This morning, there is a bit discomfort where they were working but no pain.

    I hope this helps reassure you  if you need to get one done or anyone else reading this who has to receive it.

    I hope you have a nice day planned. It's torrential rain here in Ayrshire. Hard to believe this is July. Xx

  • Ahhhh thats reassuring to know, because i find having the cannula in the hand absolutely dreadful. I will only allow an anaesthetist to put one in. I might request the picc line if its as pain free and less than a cannula in back of the hand. Im so anxious and scared of any injections, any needles everything. I know we have to have it but i literally cant cope after the trauma of my last biopsies. 

    Thankyou Missmolly

    Weathers not too bad here atm, im in Coventry in the West midlands. Think we are expecting some sunahine and warm weather at the end of the month so heres hoping. 

    My Oncology appointment is at 2pm. 

    You have a great day xx

  • Good luck with your appointment. Let me know how you get on. 

    The picc line means no more needles or canula. They take blood through it and give treatment through it. 

    Will keep everything crossed for you Prayxx

  • I will do hunni, thankyou and yes thats what i want. So the picc line just stays in. Can people see it hun? Im deffo going to request this. 

    Speak soon Pray tone4xx

  • Hi, sorry I hope you don’t mind me jumping in on this thread but I thought I would share my experiences.

    I had 8 rounds of chemo starting in December and I finished at the end of March. I am super anxious of needles and had a few horrible experiences with cannulas whilst having scans. My veins just like to hide!

    It was recommended that I had the picc line because of my treatment and also the situation with my veins. I was really nervous about it as I didn’t like the thought of it - I have to say it was the best thing I did! It feels like they take bloods every five minutes and with the picc you know nothing about it! And when they take it out, it’s a blink and you miss it moment!

    As long as you look after it and yourself it’s fine. No heavy lifting, stretching up for the cupboards etc, no pulling washing out of the machine, no walking the dog… 

    The thought of it is 100 times worse than it actually is xxxx

  • I’m sorry you are going through this. I found waiting for the results the hardest part. I was imaging the worst and bursting into tears every time I looked at my daughter. I tried to remind myself that outcomes are more positive for breast cancer now. I went for lots of walks which helped. I waited 8 days to get the biopsy results which confirmed it was cancer, 2 weeks later I had surgery which removed all the cancer. 3 weeks after that I started preventative chemo which isn’t what I wanted to hear and now I’m nearing the end I can say it’s not that bad. I too suffer with anxiety but I felt so well supported my mental health hasn’t been affected. I do have bad days, I get fed up at times but not often. I’ve worked throughout as it’s a welcome distraction and maintains normality. The stage you’re at I think is the hardest. You sound like a strong woman, keep reaching out when you need help. Xx

  • Mine is on the inside of my upper arm. You can cover it with a sleeve xx