New here. Scared.

  • 8 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

I am new here. I have spent the last few hours reading these forums and everyone seems super supportive.  I didnt even know if I should be here until i read some similar stories.

I found a lump on my right breast about 5 or 6 weeks ago.  Slightly painful.  I assumed it was just breast changes throughout the month.  However, it did not go away.  I finally found a Dr who would examine me.  She felt the lump and found at least one more in my arm pit area. Wouldn't say much but referred me for a mammogram and ultrasound.  I am 32. I have 5 children- and they're all i can think about. I'm scared to find out it's worst case scenario.  

My mammogram is this Thursday.  My ultrasound is not booked until October but I'm in a cancelation list.  

Will the know solely based on the mammogram? Isn't October too far away ? Is the lump in the armpit as well, a bad sign? 

I'm scared.  

  • i find it odd that the ultrasound is  so far away, when they booked me in for the mammogram (london) the ultrasound was the same day, shortly after the mammogram, well i had two first was usual second was more focused as ultrasound tech wanted more detail.

    don’t panic now, when did you get referred? 

  • Usually the breast clinic have both and are done the same day at the same appointment.  Younger women sometimes have denser breast tissue so the hospital should do both.  They can usually see from a mammogram,  but can't check your nodes.  If there is anything you should be fast tracked for a 2 week(ish) appointment.  Fingers crossed it's nothing serious.  X

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • I thought it was odd as well but I am new to this so wasn't positive. I was referred last week, Thursday. 

  • Thank you- I hope it is nothing serious. 

  • i would maybe ask gp if you are referred under the 2 week thingy and if not ask to be so. just to clear things up sooner rather than later. keeping good thoughts for your mammogram Fingers crossed

  • Scared is completely normal. Human.  Anything else would be a lie.

    I wish I had words for you right now.  But all I can see is you having 5 kids and thinking how I envy you with my only 1.

    If it becomes worst case scenario then you will get through it too. See yourself already emerging.  You got all it takes, 5 kids? You can pull this off.

  • Thank you so much. This support is everything. Positivity is key, right ?! 

    Does anyone happen to know of the lump in the armpit is a bad sign ? Google is horrible and I am trying to stay away from it . 

  • Your treatment and investigation shouldn’t be delayed Just because you are young (on the basis that BC less common in younger women). You should got to the urgent 2 week wait breast clinic and have USS and mammogram. Mammograms are a bit less helpful when you are young as your breast tissue is dense. Sometimes there are reasons other than BC for lumps, but you still need the full works so you know what the lump is. Def push for urgent 2 week clinic and the USS. Xx