In shock & feeling very lost

  • 20 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Morning everyone, 

firstly, it’s great to have found this support - thanks to each & everyone of you, I already feel less alone. 

im 42 & just got diagnosed on Tuesday. All the terminology baffling me right now. A lot to take in & the tears keep coming. Then I feel so silly for being all ‘me me me’ and try to remember to be kind to myself but it all feels too much sometimes. Fear is filling my every waking moment. I have a bone & ct scan next week to check if spread. I fear needles & hospitals (ha well I know no one loves them!) but knowing chemotherapy & surgery will have to happen is too much to think about. 

apologies for this somber message. I do hope to find laughter & hope again soon! 

  • FormerMember

    Hey I have just joined as well, 44 and just had two major operations for renal cancer. Be encouraged

  • Thanks Blush it’s a day at a time! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to PinkLady2021

    I have started a wee YouTube channel of my journey if you want to watch let me know I will send you the link. X

  • FormerMember

    hi Pinklady2021 and Tailsy welcome to the group nobody wants to join but here we are together.  also the main breast cancer group has more activity. I’m 44 & just started my chemo this week. Check my profile for my story so far. 
    It’s usually good to get the scans out of the way to make sure your team has a clear picture of how to proceed with your treatment. It seems to take forever but try to keep busy.  I went to some reputable site to see what each procedure was about before it happen. Or I search on here with help and tips. I tried not to google symptoms because most of them are outdated. Also there is AWAKE thread that is usually busy with nice ladies. 

  • Yes pls that would be great Thumbsup 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to PinkLady2021

    Hey just realised that this is breast cancer group? I am renal cancer. Do you still want me to send YouTube link?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ista, just realized that this is breast cancer group. I have renal cancer . I have started a wee YouTube blog of my journey if you want I can send you the link?

  • FormerMember


    So normal to feel in limbo I was diagnosed last Sept and found the time from diagnosis to see if it had spread an awful two weeks of waiting time standing still and dont think there is any best way to handle it. Its so frightening. Twonweeks.layer my husband and I were celebrating I had cancer but that is was treatable and curable because it hadn't spread. Cancer takes you on a journey you dont want to be on but dont have a choice once I knew where I was with prognosis and got my treatment plan I felt I had something to work the meantime cry if you need to and be kind to yourself xx

  • Thanks spoffyD so helpful. Yes it’s a shitty journey none of us want to be in but I know some comfort can be found in others like you & all the people on this forum! Waiting is almost worst part. The uncertainty. The unknown. You’re right - once I have a clear plan of treatment & know it hasn’t spread, I will better able to cope with what’s ahead I think ;-)