Exercise, the gym and treatment? Recovered from an ED but worried the lack of exercise and weight gain might set me back into old habits

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I'm due to start chemo on 8th January after being diagnosed on 1st December. 

Pre-diagnosis I was an avid gym-goer. I had a PT and  I'd work out 5 days per week, mostly weight training and some cardio/strength based classes.  I eat a really clean Mediterranean diet  The gym has been my life for 22 years (I'm 42). 

I've not been to the gym in over 1 months due to breast pain and fatigue.  My nurse has advised me not to go to gyms as my immune system is low and I'll have zero immune system when I start chemo.  I'm now really struggling from not going to the gym.  It's affecting my physically and mentally and I've not even started  treatment yet.

My chemo nurse told me that I'll gain weight from the steroids in a very matter of fact way .   I'm in recovery from previous eating disorder and the nurse telling me that I'll gain weight and I can't go to the gym has really triggered something in me.  I'm trying hard to not let it trigger me but I'm really struggling with this.  I can cope with hair loss, mastectomy, sickness,  side affects, but being told I'll gain weight and can't exercise has been the thing that has  affected me.  I know this sounds fickle,  the treatment will save my life.  But I'm struggling with this, probably due to my ED history.

Has anyone experienced this or does anyone have any advice about how to deal with potential weight gain/ lack of exercise?

Has anyone found any types of exercise that they've been able to do building up to and whilst going through chemo?  Or any advice for avoiding weight gain during this time please?  

  • Thank you   Heart️    how are you doing?   

    I went on a LGFB course yesterday about scalp care and hair loss which was really good  x x 

  • Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear that you had such a difficult start to your chemo journey. It all sounds very scary. But as you say, onwards and upwards! At least you have a few weeks to build your body and confidence in it back up. I will keep everything crossed for you for the 31st x

  •    thank you Sparkling heart  one silver lining is that we have tickets to see Sarah Millican next week and my chemo nurse said I'll be fine to go now as I didn't have enough chemo to immunocomromise, so that's a plus! 

    Hope you're having a good week.  xx 

  • Love Sarah Millican Joy oh enjoy. I've booked Sunday lunch in the local pub for 6 of the family - Im feeling well enough after the op and not started chemo so trying to feel normal before the abnormal hits again. 

    Im booked on the nail course on 24th to start. so glad you found the hair one useful. I'll book that one next. Plus booked on the sleep meditation on the future dreams website that evening as i slept like a log after last one, although i am sleeping a bit better at the moment. Im more tired after this lymph node removal op than i was post mastectomy.

    Your posts really pick me up  and you make me want to go and do more. So enjoy that show and do a proper hyena belly laugh out loud for all of us on here when you're there Joyx


    Ninsim Heart

  •    oh that's lovely that you're going for Sunday lunch with your family.  Definitely squease in as much as you can on the days you feel well enough to.  I'm s0 glad that you're feeling well enough to do fun things again.

    How did the lumph node removal go? I hope that you're healing well. It's funny how our bodies respond to these things.  Sleep will be helping your body with healing.

    I'm also booked on the nail course on 24th January too!  So I'll see you on there Slight smile it does feel empowering and like you're doing something proactive when on the courses. They're really good and you can ask questions.   I learned loads on the scalp and haircare course. 

    I'll have a look at Future Dreams today as I've not had chance to yet (that's code for I forgot! Joy)

    I'm really glad that my posts pick you up and help you to want to do more. Sparkling heart we will get through this together.  Muscle I've not left the house since Monday so I'm going to attempt a walk to the shop and back today. Fingers crossed 

    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your family lunch on Sunday xxx

  • Doing well after the lymph removal thanks just more numb in the armpit which is quite a weird sensation and more pain than last op when i do the duck flapping excercise Joy  But its not too bad. Been on a 1.5 hour walk today, still trying to warm up after it! It was hit drink and blanket on the sofa after I got back!

    Hope you managed the walk to the shop, you are a super trooper x

    Ninsim Heart

  • Oh bless you   I bet it feels very strange having numbness in the armpit. 

    That's great that you managed at 1.5 hour walk though Blush we'll done. 

    I had a 30 minute walk tonthe co-op buy bin liners Joy then pottered around the house doing some cleaning.  Watched a film and some travel shows with my partner in the evening and we had a home made veg stew that I'd made in the slow cooker which was nice.

    Hope you enjoy your Sunday lunch with you family today xxx 

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