Exercise, the gym and treatment? Recovered from an ED but worried the lack of exercise and weight gain might set me back into old habits

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I'm due to start chemo on 8th January after being diagnosed on 1st December. 

Pre-diagnosis I was an avid gym-goer. I had a PT and  I'd work out 5 days per week, mostly weight training and some cardio/strength based classes.  I eat a really clean Mediterranean diet  The gym has been my life for 22 years (I'm 42). 

I've not been to the gym in over 1 months due to breast pain and fatigue.  My nurse has advised me not to go to gyms as my immune system is low and I'll have zero immune system when I start chemo.  I'm now really struggling from not going to the gym.  It's affecting my physically and mentally and I've not even started  treatment yet.

My chemo nurse told me that I'll gain weight from the steroids in a very matter of fact way .   I'm in recovery from previous eating disorder and the nurse telling me that I'll gain weight and I can't go to the gym has really triggered something in me.  I'm trying hard to not let it trigger me but I'm really struggling with this.  I can cope with hair loss, mastectomy, sickness,  side affects, but being told I'll gain weight and can't exercise has been the thing that has  affected me.  I know this sounds fickle,  the treatment will save my life.  But I'm struggling with this, probably due to my ED history.

Has anyone experienced this or does anyone have any advice about how to deal with potential weight gain/ lack of exercise?

Has anyone found any types of exercise that they've been able to do building up to and whilst going through chemo?  Or any advice for avoiding weight gain during this time please?  

  •    thank you for the reassurance about the Dexa Sparkling heart  I'm sorry that you've had to go through this twice for a brain tumor and breast cancer,  you're a true warrior. Muscle 

    I'll look forward to trying out Les Mills.  It sounds great. xx 

  •   haha hellooooo!!!   How are you?  xx 

  • Ok, a little wobbly today for some reason, weather is rubbish today so boring day ahead. Will have to venture for a walk later. Hope you have a nice day x

    Ninsim Heart️

  • Thanks   I hope you enjoy Les Mills!

  •    I've only just seen this.  Hope you're okay and managed to get out for a nice walk.  xx 

  • I had a PT throughout my chemo and it was an absolute lifeline. I did everything by zoom, except the daily walks and the occasional run.  I definitely felt better for exercise, even if just a short walk. Mini HIT workouts are really helpful as our strength training exercises.There are a lot of online classes for cancer patients. Try CUfitter charity  - chemosize or fit and bust classes for breast cancer patients. Or Penny Brohn, or your local Macmillan or Maggie's service. Exercise is really important for cancer outcomes, including mental well being. If it helps, I did not gain weight during chemo, ate well, exercised, fasted around chemo to reduce side effects  (see cancer active chariyty for guidelines). There are exercise classes you can do. Yes we get immunocompromised, but I think we also need friends, company and for life to go on as much as it can, even as we go through chemo.  Thinking of you - chemo always seems more scary before you start, but you do find a natural rhythm with it and your own way to get through it.

  •   thank you for your reply.  I hadn't thought about an online PT.  That's a great idea.  I'll ask my PT if he would be able to do that.

    Thank you for the links.  I'll have a look.

    That's really reassuring to read your positive experiences. Thank you for sharing that with me.  xxx

  • Hi  I hope you’re doing ok. Ive waited a little while to respond to this as I wanted to get a few rounds under my belt first.

    Before I start I will say that I’ve never experienced an ED so my experiences won’t be a complete help I’m sure, I’m hoping that others in a similar situation have been able to offer you some words of comfort, but here’s what I know so far

    Steroids - I get given a whack of them on treatment day and I’m then sent home with a further 3 days worth. I feel that it’s not currently enough to particularly impact my weight (but we all have different dosages). I do, however find that I’m more hungry - I put that down to the fact though that my body is frantically trying to repair itself and is just burning ‘fuel’ like crazy. So I’m ‘feeding’ myself whenever it feels like I need it. I’m being sensible with it though - hard boiled eggs, spinach, avocados, natural nuts/seeds/dried fruit, roast chicken etc. I also made up a big batch of chicken bone broth and vegetable soup for something more satisfying. Lots of little bits that dont break the calorie bank, are nutritious and are helping my body along the journey. Water is also a really big thing, I’ve found the whole process very dehydrating so have been drinking tons of water! I think we just have to listen to our bodies for the next few months and go with it. I do as I say though don’t have the different experiences that you have in relation to food.

    Exercise - now I would never be what you’d call a gym bunny! But before my diagnosis I’d walk 40+ miles a week with my dog. After my mastectomy my surgeon didn’t want me walking my dog for three months and then I went into chemo with my picc line so I’m still unable to walk her. I’ve found that my energy levels vary greatly from day to day and as much as I want to get out I just don’t have the energy. On Christmas Day for example we went dir our usual Christmas morning beach walk and I only managed 15 minutes before I had to call it quits, but then New Year’s Day I was walking on the beach for two hours. Each day is just so different. I purchased from Amazon a walking pad which had been good, I just get up and do ten minutes here and there to keep moving. There are days I’d like to go out but it just doesn’t happen. I also thought maybe for you, just for the days you don’t get out for movement/stretching/muscle toning - I know on YouTube there’s lots of seated style Pilates/yoga sessions that maybe beneficial?

    Good luck for the 8th, please do ask if there are any questions I maybe able to help with. As always my experiences are limited but I’m currently in the thick of it so I maybe able to offer a little support.

    Take care xxx

  • Hi   thank you for your reply.   I hope that your treatment is going well.  

    That's really good thinking about the foods to stock up on to manage the appetite increase.  My plan is to have healthy snacks in the house like veg, hummus etc and batch cook things that will be easy to warm up like veg stews and soups etc.  Lots of fruit, seeds, eggs etc.

    I had my first chemo on Monday.   Everything initially went well with the antisickness, hormone drip and cold cap was fine.  But unfortunately I had an extreme allergic reaction to the chemo drug and went into anaphylaxis.  I only managed 0.4ml of the 20ml bag.  So they had to stop treatment which was super frustrating. 

    We're going to try again on 31st January with Obraxin.  Steroids will be given by IV at the same time. All being well still on a 3 week cycle.  

    I'm feeling a bit sickly and weak but I'm guessing my body is in shock from what happened.  But onwards and upwards!


  • Oh gosh  , you've had a bit of a nightmare with the chemo, hope it will be ok next time x

    Ninsim Heart️