
  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hello all, 

I am due to start my Radiotherapy for breast cancer. I have had tumor removal(right breast) and axillary node clearance surgery last oct. I have also completed my chemotherapy. 

i am experiencing pain in my right arm in which i had surgery. 

I am looking for some personal advice with respect to how can i prepare myself( i am due to have briefing from radio team on the first day). 

Also, importantly I am looking for suggestions with respect to what kind of bra can i use during and after to ease discomfort and pain. 

Any recommendations for creams/ moisturisers. 

Any information will be very useful. 

Thanks in advance 

Best reagrds

  • Hi SR1,

    It’s Megan here from Macmillan’s Online Community team. I saw your post and wanted to offer some support whilst you are waiting for other group members to reply.

    I’m sorry to read what has brought you to the site and that you are experiencing some pain after your surgery, have you made your hospital team aware of this? They will be best placed to offer some advice and arrange an appointment if you need one.

    Our Breast cancer forum sometimes has a little more activity so you may wish to repost your questions there. You can also search the Community for related conversations by using the search bar at the top of the page. It’s best used from the homepage as it will search for related content throughout each group.

    There’s discussion threads where members share the products they have used and have found helpful. I’ve searched the keyword ‘bra’ as an example from our home page. It has found these search results and you can filter these by using the drop down options. Please do click on these links and join in the conversations if it would be helpful to you or search your own key words.

    There’s also the Macmillan Cancer Information team who have posted a blog about ‘choosing bras after breast cancer surgery’ which may be helpful to you.

    With you having questions about radiotherapy, our nurses here at Macmillan are here to provide information, alongside talking through your concerns. To get in touch with the Nurses, you can post a question in our Ask an expert section on the Community or contact the Macmillan Support Line.

    The Support Line is open from 8am to 8pm every day and to get in touch, please call 0808 808 00 00. There’s also the options to send an email or use live webchat during the opening hours.

    I’m sure others who feel comfortable sharing their personal experiences will reply soon. In the meantime, you may wish to search the group for similar discussions. You can use the search bar at the top of the page to search key words and phrases.

    I hope the above information can be useful and if you need any help using the Community, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch. You can email or send a private message to the Moderator account.

    Best wishes, 

    Macmillan's Online Community team

  • Hi there, I'm new here, but felt I had to reply to you.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Feb, had surgery to remove the lieson, and auxillary node clearance.  I then was prescribed Tamoxifen.  I then had radiotherapy, which made me so hypoactive, I was finding everyday life a bit of a bore.  When I stopped have it I was ok for about two weeks then I became tired.  I used the moisturizer and diodrant the hospital gave me in the LITTLE LIFTS BOX, it's called Moo Goo, and it's so lovely.  I didn't experience any bad burns, but I did peel slightly around the site of the radiotherapy.  I was so nervous at first, but everyone was so lovely to me, that I was put at ease straight away.  I got a bra from Asda, just a set of two that has no under wire, and they are so comfortable.  I have finished my radiotherapy now, and worked all the way through, going to radio then going to work or vice versa, because Like I said, it actually made me very hypoactive.  I have found that now I've had to take some more time off work, as my armpit has swollen up and needed draining a couple of times and I get pins and needles in my right thumb.  I lose feeling in my thumb too.  All I do is use ibuprofen gel, and take painkillers. I found no pain whilst having radiotherapy, but like I said a couple of months later I'm in pain.  My advice would be if you can, do not feel you have to return to work so quickly.  I had to the first time after surgery because I don't get sick pay but I've been off work the past three weeks because I've finally listen to my body.  The thing I'm dealing with right now is the Tamoxifen is ! making my hair thin, and snapping it off!!! I've posted for advice on that subject on another thread. Please take care and I hope any of my ramblings can help xx.  Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery xx.

  • Many thanks for this. I have finished radio and on Exemestane and also Abemaciclib. Now trying to getting used to these.

    Take care and best wishes.