Widowed Friends Group, Northern Ireland

  • 124 replies
  • 25 subscribers
Hello All. I wonder if I might tell you about a Friendship Group Meeting for Widows/Widowers that we are planning to hold in Belfast on Saturday 14th September. This is simply a group for men and women who have lost their husband, wife or partner and would like to meet together with other people in the same position. We are "testing the waters" to see if people are interested or think there is a need for a group like this. If you would like more information, please check out the contact details on our website - www.wfni.co.uk, get in touch with us and we will provide further details. Thank you all, best wishes, Lorna xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Hi Sally, yes I've followed all your progress with the meet-ups and I appreciate the work you out into them, I know what it takes to put things like this together. Unfortunately the meets were a bit too far for me to travel, but certainly if I'd lived on the mainland I would have attempted to come along to them. Really do feel it helps meeting with others who've been widowed, friends are great and I would be lost without mine, but ultimately no one knows what's it's like until they've been in this position themselves. MacMillan was certainly a lifeline for me last year, I don't know how I would have got through those early days without it. I still get a copy of all the posts every day, but unfortunately don't have the same amount of time to read them all what with work, running the house and now the group. It saddens me to see so many new people joining but I'm glad it's here for them. I wish there was a cure for this dreadful illness so that no one has to go through it. But then again there are so many different illness out there that there will always be someone grieving - only things we can be sure about in life are death and taxes. But yes, it is amazing that we've got this far, many times I didn't think I would, so I hope it encourages all those starting out on this journey and those not so far along as us, that while things don't get "better" they do change and slowly, slowly, we begin to pick up the pieces of a new and very different life, certainly not one we want or asked for, but rather one that was given to us for whatever reason. But we certainly will do our best to support whenever and wherever we can. Take care of yourself too Sally, and keep up the good work - maybe think of starting a group yourself?!! Best wishes Lorna x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I just saw this post from a few years ago, and was just wondering if this group still meets up? My mother-in-law was widowed in January there, and I think she would really like to meet up with people who have gone through something similar..

    Thanks very much,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kerry,

    Suggest your mother in law googl s this self help group for widows.


    They have an on line forum and arranged meet ups all over the country including Northern Ireland. I have found it to be a lifeline.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lorna, I am from N Ireland would love to go but I work only 2 days a week Friday and Saterday..Its coming up to the day  Ivan walked out the door at the end of this month for oesophageal cancer  operation and died 5 weeks later . There is a need for a group in NI. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi.  I was wondering if this group ever took off in Northern Ireland.  I was widowed in August 2013 and don't have a big network of friends, which has resulted in my feeling very isolated and lonely at times.  I think a group like this would be wonderful because everyone would be in the same position and could talk openly about their situations and look, tentatively, to the future without fear of feeling judged.  I think people get fed up with us trying to deal with our grief and expect us to feel "over it" within a short timescale.  If there are any details of this group can you please let me know.  Thank you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi , the group never took off  .I know there is a group in Creagh Libray in Belfast they meet on a Saterday once a month it belongs to Way Up. I have tried to find out about but have no information about it other than what I have written .I joined Way up its a group for widows and widowers on line  it is a closed group and you can write things you would to say and other people in same situation as you will reply and try and help you .I would be quite interested if there was a group set up. I would be willing to go .I know I think off my husband every day and I don't think I will always think off him.I lost my husband in July 2015 so I am only not 2 years down the line. If you hear anything about a group could you let me know .


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I will indeed Jenny.  Thank you so much for responding.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    If you meet up for coffee sometime I would be willing to meet up .You can send a message through the site any time.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Jenny - I requested more information on the group in Cregagh Library.  See the response below with more details if you're interested.



    Hi Jeanette

    The group that’s meets in the library is called Widowed Friends NI, it’s a befriending/social group for widows and widowers that was set up a few years ago by two recently bereaved women.

    The group do a variety of social activities, going out for dinner, to the cinema etc.

    They meet here in the library once a month for an informal (free)drop in coffee morning, for anyone that’s interested. The next one is Saturday 4th March 10.30am-12.30pm.

    Is this a general enquiry or do you have someone interested? If you like I can pass your details on to the organisers.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jeanette, I would be interested of going I know 1 of the ladies posts on Way Up  and at one stage the name of the lady who ran the group name was mentioned on way up .If you are replying to the e mail can you pass on my details I would like to attend the meeting on Saterday 4th March. Thank you for the information  if you are not attending I will get in touch with the library can you let me know .


