I wrote this to myself then thought it showed the feelings of most bereaved people, hope you do not mind if I share it

  • 132 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Why do I grieve, not for the past, because that was already past

I grieve for what we may have had together in the future

I grieve with racking sobs and immeasurable pain for the loss of him

I grieve because I know that this is not for today for it will last

beyond tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

The overwhelming need to be with him, if only for a brief minute

frightens me, yet comforts me through my tears, because it means

That I have experienced the depth of love I did not believe existed

And for that I should remember to be grateful, but it still seems

As though there is no tomorrow for me any more, just today

To push myself through, for the sake of others and in memory of him

Not to sound self-pitying or boring others with my pain, so I paint on my face

And I face the world, but inside I feel nothing but emptiness and grief,

and with that word again, I grieve, and I scream to the sky, I want him back

The world is silent, the world we knew is no more, and I feel cast away

on a sea of loneliness, where there is no laughter, nor even fights, just silence

The silence made of grieving and loss. 

Whilst others quite rightly gather back their lives and hold their loved ones even closer 

I want him home, I want him back, I want to be with him

But in his name and for his memory’s sake I must go on, into a future alone

No one can help me, not family nor friends, for this is one battle I must face

To waken each day, look at the same spot on the ceiling and get on with trying to live

Without him.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Hi Diamondsgirl I have had a bad day today - I realise that it will be six months tomorrow at 7.45pm that my darling husband left me. So when I read your poem (thank you for sharing it with us) I had to hold back the tears as I am in a public place and just looking at this site waiting for a meal!! You have expressed just how I feel. Wondering what the purpose is to my life now without the one I loved most in the world. People are all very kind and caring; family supportive but I so miss him being beside me, hugging me and as he did so often, telling me it will be alright......but will it? Will this pain lessen ? Will this grieving ever come to an end ? Sorry I am feeling rather low and morbid! Take care Diamondsgirl we are all alongside you and here to support you. With love Ann xxxxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Hi Daiamondsgirl, just to add to what others have said, your words express so much of what I am feeling - but could have never put into words so well. Thank you for sharing. Thanks also to Sally who has seen some positive thoughts in the words about the future. Clare xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Yes positive thought which still get the wobbles at times. Sallyx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That is so very beautifully written. It says everything and is so honest and from the heart. Thank you.

    I want so much to say something positive and tell you there really is joy and hope, but just at the moment cant find the right words. There has to be a reason we are here, there has to be a purpose..... maybe it isn't clear yet. In the past, things have presented themselves, opportunities, ways forward etc just when I wasn't looking......... Do you think that could be possible for you too.......?

    Sorry not much help.

    Jen X

  • FormerMember
    It's exactly how I feel right now, it's so painful.
  • Diamond girl. Feeling your words invading my heart all of them But I have to go on I cannot go back to that place I couldn't survive it but such love you had as most of us did how lucky we were ( don't feel lucky most times ) but I have such lovely people in my life including you all. Big hugs to you all tonight look after your Hearts they are precious Love and hugs to you all and a special cutch. Xxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Just beautiful and the most moving words to me are ' no one can help me, not family or friends ' because for all the support i have , no one is there late in an evening or first thing in a morning

    No one sends that text just to say hello. No one calls me 'clunk ' any longer as i break something else

    No one is there in the supermarket when you spot that favourite food or understands when that song comes on the radio.

    Even my mum doesnt understand, only those of us here


  • FormerMember
    So true Thanks for sharing this, Love and hugs to you, Julie. Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    Just to say " Morning" Dana I understand what you mean it's those little things which turn into the big things we miss. The " Good Mornings" and the " Good Nights". I have a lovely friend who sends me those words and that has made such a difference. Just to know we're not completely alone at those times. I will try and semi you a friends request. Here's to a better day. Sally x
  • This week on the 22nd will be exactly five months since my husband left this world.  On the 23rd it will be 50 years to the day since we met (we were very young back then) - we were deciding if we should do anything to celebrate this after a normal up&down marriage, and having survived storms.  Little did we know he would not survive long enough to be with me.

    How I understand missing the 'good mornings',  'night darling' or the text jokes he used to send me.  The phone remains silent, my life in my mind remains silent while the world goes on around me, tears are always there just behind my eyes and I have to work very hard not to let anyone see or indeed let myself cry whilst out with friends or in public.  So I tend to stay in more than i usually did, it saves the effort and also the embarrassment, as after five months people seem not to expect you to still be in so much pain.  My ears extend to being unable to drive on motorways or major A roads - hubby used to do most of the driving, but now I just cannot as I get panic attacks, I know the back roads to most places except those further away from where i live.

    I know I have to get through this week - that is common sense, but my sense is that I want to shut the door and just stay here close to his photos and his memories.  WHY?!!! he still had so much to give and life to live..... I hate cancer and the destruction it leaves behind, but most of all I hate being without my husband.

    Fight for the rarer cancers, go to www.sarcoma.org.uk to make a difference