New Year’s Eve- Thanks

  • 6 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I am sending heartfelt thanks and hugs to all of you, this New Year’s Eve. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know it would have been even harder without this Forum. I have been able to express my deepest emotions without judgement, for which I am truly grateful. I am raising a toast to you all. Kate xxx

  • Thank You Kate,

    And the same to you. I think you have more or less said it for everyone here. I'm sure all of us who come on here regularly would be lost without this forum. It has been a lifeline for myself to come on and express how I am feeling because I really have no one else around to lean on when the dark times pay a visit just being able to see that you are not the only one experiencing what you are and can relate to what others are going through really helps. I didn't want to be part of a `bereavement forum` and was in denial that my husband was in his final days and always kept hoping and praying he would get better but deep down I think I knew that wasn't going to happen. Now with me being 18 months into this journey I like to come on and try to offer support to the `newbies` just starting out here because a lot of what I read was me at the beginning so being there already helps me to help them. I'm still going through the grieving process and after losing a couple of other people this year has triggered things for me again but I know I can come here and be able to speak my mind and and say what I'm feeling and everyone will get it. So, All The Best To Everyone here. Hope to keep speaking with you all again in 2025. Happy New Year To You All

    Vicky xx

  • Hi there, I am just having a few tears at the moment, as I am missing my darling so much. I am trying to be brave for our adult children as they need me so much. I can’t seem to stop the tears. Kate. Xxx

  • Bless You Kate!

    This time of the year really heightens it for us who have lost someone so close. A picture from my `memories` collection just popped up of me and Jay on New Year's Eve 2012!! One of the rare occasions we went out for New Year just for the hell of it and to do something different. Think it was a package and booked in overnight. Seems so long ago now. Take Care

    Vicky xx

  • Don't stop the tears, they are tears of love.

    We all need them to flow and I'm sure your children understand. 

    I'm having plenty of moments tonight. 

    I don't know what to do with myself. Do I go to bed and cry or do I stay up with the cats and cry Cry

    Wishing you all a peaceful 2025. 

    Love and hugs xx

  • Sad1 Just Cry! Let it out! It's good for you! For me it's a `release` because I haven't been able to do it for so long. Once it's happened feel so much better. Bless You. Take Care. 

    Vicky xx

  • I went with my mums and sister to a Wednesday afternoon (or as lots of people insist on calling it … New Years Day) concert.  
    They have gone every year for the past 5 years, but this is the first I have been to as before my beautiful Valen and I would be out.

    It was beautiful! Easy listening music. Swaying music. Mostly waltzes.
    Thankfully we sat on the back row for mums convenience.

    I say thankfully, as near the end I realised I was crying. My sister just held my hand.
    Quiet but persistent tears. 
    The music was so moving.

    It was a lovely Wednesday and the tears were “nice” tears, without rage or guilt. 
    Just sadness.
