Kelsey Parker life after Tom tv programme

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Have any of you watched Kelsey Parker : Life After Tom? 

Some really open honest conversations on grief.

First episode and 1 lady she spoke to said that she felt like the next person who told her she was brave and strong she would punch.
Another said what choice has she got but be strong.

Talking about so much admin.

Answering the How are you question.

Their last day in the hospice.

His mum.

I almost felt like I was in a therapy group!

  • Hello MrsVT

    Thank you for sharing. It is always good to hear what has helped.

    It sounds like an interesting and helpful programme to watch and hopefully will provide some comfort to others.



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  • Hi, I watched these programmes when they first came out and I found them so helpful.  They made me feel like everything I had been and was going through was "normal" in a horrible situation.  It brought some comfort to me and lots of things made sense.