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In 8 hours my beautiful, kind, gentle, loving soul of a husband was ripped from me 2 weeks ago.

He had salivary and lymph node cancer and completed radiotherapy in Feb.

Had an all clear scan in April.

Found another lump in July.

28th August told aggressively back and widespread and even with chemo would have 3 to 6 months.

4 weeks later, after getting slower, struggling to talk or eat and breathing getting worse and weakening before my eyes he suddenly with no warning had one godalmighty heart attack.

On the day he was to start chemo to extend us those precious few months.

Why did that scan not show any traces of returning cancer.

Why did we have to fight daily to get the insurance company and hospital to get his chemo started. (I am 100% positive this stress led to his early going)

Why did such a gentle peaceful man have to suffer his last few weeks.

Why did he not give me his phone or computer passwords when we arranged so much else, he even planned his own funeral.

Why do people have to send so many flowers. What the f**k am I supposed to do with them all. All gone in the green bin as can’t bear to look at them.

Why do I feel guilty for laughing at a t.v show.

I don’t honestly expect answers. Just feel overwhelmed 

  • My husband was 56. And as you say, so much to live for. 
    We had a big holiday in Malaysia planned for January.  I’m so sad he never got there. 
    Looking at a new car. 
    He was planning a Christmas get together for old colleagues.

    My poor mum who is 89 this year told me today that she feels “guilty” that it was him who went with a life ahead of him and not her who is nearing the end of hers. 
    They became close during lock down when he saw her daily when I was at work and she is struggling* with his passing.
    Definitely not the mother in law of jokes! 

  • My husbands mum is 79 . It’s just such a strange thing . She said she never thought she’d outlive him . Yes we had plans too . Buy a new house amongst others . I’d give anything to just see him walk in from work . I’d like my “normal “ life back too . But I’m trying to carry on and find my new normal. 

  • I'm 14 months and my husband died the toughest time of my life. Today driving home from work, I thought what I would give for my husband to come home from work and life to go back to what it was before he was diagnosed then bravely fought for 16 months against brain cancer. 

    I've really struggled the last few weeks with life and the injustice of it all. People have all gone back to their lives but mine has changed beyond words. 

    Thank goodness for this site so we know we aren't alone and our feelings are normal.

  • Yes our lives have changed for ever . I never envisaged this . I’m older at nearly 65 and he ( would have ) been 55 next month . We used to laugh that he’d push me to the pub in my bath chair . But sadly we never got that far . It wasn’t meant to be like this . He was meant to be here for me . I feel so bitter and I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it . All our family and friends still have their partners and it’s so hard to watch . When he’s gone and I’m alone .
    Thankyou for the reply take care of yourself x