Are you ok, how you doing?

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  • 25 subscribers

Are you ok? 

How are you doing?

I find these really difficult to answer.

I don't actually know how I am!

Am I OK? What is ok?

Sometimes I don't wanna get out of bed and face the day. 

Sometimes I cry and I can't stop.

I miss my husband every minute of every day, its not even 2 months yet.

But people don't really wanna know that.

How do you all deal with these awkward questions? 

I find it all draining 

Love and supporting hugs to you all xx

  • I'm not sure how you answer any of those questions. I'm a year in but remember so clearly those early days the raw pain and literal heart ache.

    The pain is there but it changes and you change with it sadly you don't have a choice. 

    A year in, I grieve so much the future we won't have. Our first grandchild recently born my husband will never meet. It is all so hard. 

    However I'm determined to live a life for us both and know he would want me to do this. 

    Be strong it takes time and take all the support you can. 

    Sending you best wishes. X