It’s been a while

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My lovely husband was taken by lung cancer almost 11yrs ago. I used this forum back then for support when it first happened and will be forever grateful to the people who kept me going through that awful time. 
I have spent the years trying to ‘live my best life’ going places, doing things I enjoyed .. while missing my husband every day.  I tried to move on, I convinced myself seeing someone else was okay and that I was  ready, truth is I wasn’t ready and it went nowhere.  I’m now feeling like I threw myself into ‘trying too hard’ to get on with life and now I’m kind of lost in a world where every one moved on and everyone thinks I’ve moved on and I’m doing just fine where in reality I’m not fine. I feel like I’m still at the same point I was 11years ago! I think I didn’t let myself grieve properly (if that makes sense) so now I just live with my grief in silence. I don’t  think we ever get over the loss of the love of our lives. 
Anyone else here feel like this ? Or is it just me lol 

  • Hello Murren, your post touched me and I wanted to reply to it. I think I understand very well what you are saying.I don't think we ever get over this awful loss. I am only two years down the line, but feel I have shifted sideways and Barry is with me I feel.  We learn just to keep going I suppose, but it is hard sometimes. I haven't met anyone else but I probably never will. It took me a long time to meet Barry, and he is a hard act to follow !!! I am fine on my own, luckily. Just a lovely cat which suits me fine. This forum has been an absolute godsend and I have turned to it many times. Grief is exhausting though, and not everyone understands that, especially if you haven't been there yourself.  I hope you will be okay and our thoughts are with you. I hope you have family and/or a friend to confide in. Keep strong and the phrase " it's okay not to be okay " is still pertinent. Take care 

    Hugs for you.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hi, think I was just having a wee moment ! 
    I am comfortable with my own company, I surprised myself at how independent and capable I could be. Clearly was paying attention while helping hubby with DIY about the house as I’ve managed to do most of the maintenance myself, I know my limits though lol. I have family which are my world and I have lovely friends, but they have their own lives and I am not their responsibility which is how it should be Blush I have my job and my cat  I know I’m  lucky, I understand some don’t have these things in their lives and I really appreciate what I do have. I am for the most part happy, I feel my hubby around me and that he is somehow looking after me which is comforting. I push myself to do things and go places and in general life is good.

    Its just a feeling that comes over sometimes that I’m standing still and life is passing by. I think we grieve for the life we were supposed to have with our loved one. 

  • Yes I think you're right about grieving for the future life, we've had taken away.....and not by choice.

    Sending you hugs, you're doing great!


  • Thank you. All this time has gone by and it still sneaks up and makes your eyes leak ! But that’s love and grief.