Sad and loney

  • 7 replies
  • 31 subscribers

My husband passed 1 month ago tomorrow. I'm mostly OK in the day, coz I'm doing 'stuff'

It's the evenings I struggle with, I feel so alone. I know I'm not on my own feeling this. 

I still can't believe that he's gone. Really really gone. I have his ashes and I cant believe that's him. 

I'm dreading tomorrow..... 1 month

I'm dreading Tuesday our 14th wedding anniversary.

Thank you for reading. 

  • Sending genuine heartfelt thoughts and some huge big hugs your way for now. 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you.. That means a lot x

  • Hello 

    We are all so sorry to hear of your husband's death. We all understand totally how you are feeling. One small step is all you can do, and even that seems a lot I know. Take things slowly, cry and don't bottle it up. This is a great forum for when you want to let off steam or rant at the unjustness of it all. We get it. Some of us are still struggling but we are still here. 

    Take care of yourself. You matter.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hi!

    Yes I echo what Fifi has just said we do all `get` how you are feeling and I agree the evenings can be bad. I try to find a good movie to watch in the evenings on Netflix or Amazon etc I have a little dog also so take him walks regular- not saying you should get a dog though but that's your choice. Just try and find an interest for yourself in the evenings if you have any hobbies or anything. Please just keep coming here too when you feel you need to when you feel you have no one else to offload to. Take Care and best wishes to you moving forward. 

    Vicky x

  • So sorry to hear about your husband. My wife passed away 2 months ago after battling cancer for 9 years. She died very suddenly and I was in shock for some time. I am doing the same keeping busy. It is when you stop for a while your thoughts can take over. My wife died days before our 21st wedding anniversary.

  • I feel your pain. totally understand the evening lonliness . Big hugs.

  • Hello,sorry to hear your news,especially that it’s your wedding anniversary soon. A lot of us on here are in the same boat. It’s 3 months today since my wife died and I find weekends most difficult, as everyone seems to be coupled up. Keeping busy like someone else mentioned is good,I also like to sit and sulk for ten minutes a day if I need to. Grief seems to be very individual. Keep safe