Recently lost my wife

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello all, I am Craig. I’m 51 and 6 weeks ago my wife Hayley passed away with brain cancer. Hayley had the cancer and treatments for almost four years, so we were anticipating the end but when it came it was completely different to what we (myself and 2 children) thought. There seems to be an infinite emptiness that if I think about it is terrible. People around me seem to think that after 3 weeks you are ok,but I know I will never be the same person again..I have read some of the other posts, and I am trying to find ways to cope. Weekends are definitely worse, all the other people seem to be coupled up and that reminds me of what is now gone.

  • Hello Craig,

    My heart goes out to you, it’s very early days for you and the children you have lost a wife and your beautiful children a mother this is a very sad time you all needing lots help and support at the moment, please contract the macmillan bereavement group they will be there for you and the children.

    Its surprising how friends and family managed to move on very quickly, be kind to yourself as this is what your wife would of wanted, take one day at a time, when you start to pick up a little maybe there will be a club nearby for you and your children. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

    My condolences to you. I know you have a lots going on at the moment and feel your children are still young  they will keep you going.

     I do wish you well, going forward with health and happiness with your children 

    hugs Tili x

  • Hi Craig, i know how you were feeling. I lost my husband 8 months ago to bowel cancer after two gruelling years of treatment. I think we were in shock for a while, myself and my teenage children, so it didn’t really hit us. There was also relief, knowing that my husband was no longer suffering. 
    There is Definately an emptiness, and also disbelief that he has really gone. 
    I found going back to work quite quickly helped, giving me a focus, and less time to dwell on the sadness.

    Wishing you well, and Hoping you can find ways to cope x