Feel So Alone.

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  • 28 subscribers

I have just passed the one year milestone of losing my lovely husband Jay to bowel cancer. He fought so hard for almost 2 years and at one time going into remission only for it to cruelly return months later and decided it was taking him this time. I really thought I was doing ok but just over the last few days it has really hit me that I am now on my own. I usually come on here and try and give support to others who are going through the same as we all get here what one another are going through. But as I said just recently I have come to a realisation that I am on my own and I can now see what other widows (yes I can officially call myself that now) go through. The summer has not been great weatherwise this year I think for all of the UK (I'm in Scotland) so that has darkened my mood slightly also. 

My sister got a bowel cancer diagnosis just two months after Jay passed although hers was not as serious as Jay's was but still serious enough with the need to be operated. She became very anaemic and needed blood transfusions before her operation. Her tumour was very small so they were able to get it out with no problems and she did not need pre or post chemo or radiotherapy. She has been recovering well but just recently she had to go for a bone scan. She got breast cancer five years ago but they were able to catch that also as it was in it's very early stages. The nurse I spoke to last week when she went for her bone scan said this is just `routine` tests they do for someone who has been through cancer like just keeping tabs on them to make sure everything is ok but at the same time picking up anything that may show up as abnormal. I was under the assumption that they had found something again and this is why she needed this scan so set my mind at ease slightly. She also has to go for a CT scan for her chest abdomen and pelvis next week so this has unsettled me slightly again as this was one of the scans that Jay had to go for and this was the one that confirmed his cancer had returned. 

I know everyone's cancer journeys are different and sometimes no two diagnosis are the same but I just feel that this could be history repeating itself which I really hope isn't. I try to keep myself occupied and busy throughout the day but that feeling of `loneliness` and `emptiness` is always there. I have been trying to deny that everything is fine but some days it's not. I have rejoined my local gym and try to get there a couple of times a week this was something Jay and I did together and used to play badminton a couple of times a week also to help with his diabetes diagnosis he got before the cancer came along. I have a little dog I need to walk each day too he was Jay's a Christmas gift from myself and my son 11 years ago and have got back into my hobbies of knitting and studying I was doing some free online courses ran by a local college when everywhere was in lockdown because of covid and I have kept those up but of course when Jay got really ill all this needed to take a backseat. I have got back to driving so no excuse if I want to go anywhere but I just can't shake this feeling of being alone just now. Jay and I more or less done everything and went everywhere together. We had so many plans for our later years but all that has gone now. 

We owned a static caravan in Argyll in Scotland where we went regularly our little bolthole a `home from home` but I had to let that go as the upkeep was too much for me to take on on my own. I asked my son and his partner if they wanted to take it on but they have their own comittments. I also have a little granddaughter who I adore. She was born just at the time just before Jay got his cancer diagnosis he was over the moon he finally got to be a grandad but only saw the first two and half years of her life. She is four years old this year and goes to school next year something Jay was adamant he would be here for but sadly not to be. My son and his partner get married in February next year so another event he won't see either.

I'm just asking myself now what other's come on here and ask `will things get better` or is this the way it is going to be from now on. I just feel as though cancer is following me around and won't leave me alone as if I have done something bad in the past and this is karma getting me back. My house is not a home anymore. I want to change so much in it but just do not have the incentive to do so. I am so full of ideas about what I want to do but they never materialise. Some days just seem to morph into one another and I feel there is no Monday, Tuesday etc just `days`. I have been back to my doctor and she has given me short term courses of diazepam which help me sleep at night because some nights its hard to do that and this can make it all the more difficult to get up in the mornings. I have had some counselling through different sources and it has helped. Maybe need to try that again at some point. Thank you for listening and reading this if you have and I wish you all all the best in your journeys of trying to move forward like myself. 

Vicky x

  • Hi Vicky, I am sorry you are feeling so low. You have written how i feel, I had the first Anniversary last week and it was awful, not that the day after, or the other days are any better. Like you my house is just a house now and not a home. I to have to think hard what day of the week it is. I hope your sister will get a good result from her tests. I lost my sister to stomach cancer in 2008, and also my middle daughter had breast cancer, but thank goodness she is still all clear 7 years on, so sadly it does seem to follow us. You are getting out and about which is good, and so do i but it only helps for a short time as we always have to return to an empty house, and the loneliness that goes with it. Sorry i do not have any answers, other than keep posting on hear where you realise that sadly we are not alone on this horrible existence we find ourselves in. Take care

  • Thank you Dipsy!

    It is good that we have somewhere like this to come to when we feel really down like I do today. Today I just felt I didn't want to get out of bed at all but as I said my little dog needs walked and fed so I need to be up for him. My sister comes to me today for her lunch so she will be here later. As well as her cancer she also has slight learning difficulties so she needs me for some things she's independent and can live on her own and is in sheltered accomodation where there is a live in warden so I know at least if anything were to happen to her there is someone who lives in the complex who can contact me if need be but there are still some things she needs help with like things in authority banking, bills etc.  She is within walking distance from me too which is handy and she has the alarm call system too in her flat. 

    I just feel I have no one to talk to after a while I don't know if you have noticed it, the `how are you's` and `are you ok` seem to wane slightly and you feel you can't talk to random people like neighbours etc incase you feel you're boring or burdening them. I tell people it's been a year and I get the sympathetic `is that a year already`? but then the conversation will swiftly move on to something else. I used to be quite houseproud but I don't really care now because no one sees my house now  and as I said it's just a house now not a home well that's how I'm feeling just now and it's just me here now. Thanks for your reply good to know I'm not alone feeling like this. Take Care. 

    Vicky x

  • I am not sure if you feel the same, that even though it is a year, at points it feels like last week. You are right nobody is really bothered how you are doing anymore  As with you the housework has taken a very back seat, my house was very clean once upon a time but very little gets done now, as there is nobody but me to see it. I hope you enjoyed your lunch with your sister. I had my weekly counselling today, which i find helpful, but i am not sure how the hour goes so quick, and i find it draining, but i don't know where i would be without it. Take care of yourself Vicky.

  • Thank you Dipsy!

    Same to youHeart


  • Oh Vicky 

    I do understand. Will write more fully tomorrow. Having a rant today with someone which has left me tired.Thinking of you. 

    Big hugs.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hello dear Scottish person,

    I totally get it and how you are feeling. I wrote something similar just recently about being lost and lonely. It seems to come in waves now, with no warning ? One minute I think I'm ok ish, I keep busy, then one day the clouds descend. I did mention this to my doctor, who said it was quite normal.  In French though, normal means something quite different. Not quite so strong, calmer somehow, non judgemental. My house is slowly being transformed into how I want it. However I have found it stressful having workmen tramping through it and upsetting little Missy cat !!! The business of de cluttering too, the memories are very strong and still powerful. We had medical care in the house with all the paraphernalia that entailed which I am slowly trying to forget. Not that we will probably.

    Thank goodness you have family and your lovely grand daughter. I know you will be anxious about your sister too.

    I hope that this forum helps as it seems the only place we can go to spill it out, without any offence !! 

    Take care. Be just in the moment. Tomorrow is always another day.

    Biggest hugs to you

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you so much Fifi

    Means a lot. This just feels so overwhelming and I feel guilty as though I shouldn't be feeling like this. The weather has been kind of okish in Glasgow the last couple of days not blistering sunshine but dry and dull which is quite unusual the last couple of summers in Glasgow have been quite acceptable. I just can't even muster the energy to put a washing out. I have an electric clothes dryer in my spare bedroom I use for the winter months when the weather is horrible and I can't get a washing out so have been using that. I'm usually one of the first to put a washing out when the weather is good too. Apart from that I just have no energy or incentive for anything and just feel that this has hit me like a ton of bricks. 

    I am on anti-depressants I have been on these for quite a few years and they upped the dosage on these when I wasn't coping well while Jay was going through his treatment. My GP prescribed me with another short term course of Diazepam. I hadn't been sleeping great for a couple of weeks leading up to the anniversary of Jay's passing and phoned her and she gave me these again. They work in the short term but I don't want to keep popping pills constantly and end up like a zombie I'm bad enough just now. 

    Good that you are getting things done in your house. I hope to one day get myself moving on that front and just hope this will all pass soon. I am still finding stoma bags/urine bags that Jay had to use I had drawers set aside for all this and I have cleared most of them out but you still get the stray bag here and there can't believe the NHS wouldn't take back all the unused stock I had and I had to just bin them felt that was just a waste but they said it was all down to infection issues even though the items were still boxed. 

    I had to confirm my sister's appointment for her scan next week. I got a text today saying it needed to be confirmed so got that over and done with. She is so laid back about everything and I am the one panicking. Just that this was the test that confirmed the return of Jay's cancer and I just hope it's history not repeating itself. Thank you again my Scottish friend for replying. Take Care.

    Vicky xx

  • Hi,

    I am new to this site.  My wife passed away from Breast Cancer in May aged 52.

    My daughter has Special Needs and lives at home with me.  I been tearful everyday for weeks now. Hard to see way forward.

  • Hello BMK

    Welcome to the forum although this is not a place we like to `welcome` anyone but here we are. You would have read my post already I hope. Just over one year in and now it has hit me like a ton of bricks he's no longer here and have come to the realisation he's not coming back. My sister who I mentioned in my post also has learning difficulties. She's in her early 70's and I'm coming up for 62 years old there is an 11 year gap between us. She was one of identical twins she lost her sister to a brain tumour when she was only 17 years old. I was a `wee surprise` for my mum and dad I think. My sister can live on her own independently and go out on her own to an extent but needs me for a lot of other things. Until my dad passed away 12 years ago he was her carer so it's been passed down to me sort of. She lives in sheltered accommodation not far from me and there is a live-in warden on her complex and she has the alarm call system so has all that in place. 

    For the first year I have just been on autopilot and just going through the motions of each day. I thought I was getting on ok but there just after his first anniversary as I said it has hit me like a ton of bricks. Some people can grieve for their loved ones directly and for some it takes time. Think that has been me. No matter how busy or occupied you try and be you just feel `empty` and isolated at times even though you go out from time to time you know you will be coming back to an empty house. Sometimes I enjoy the solace of being on my own and other times I think there could be more happening. My husband and I did just about everything and went everywhere together and as I said in my post that's all gone now. It's just trying to find that `new you`. The crying I have now found is good for me because I'm finally getting that release it's as though I've been waiting for it to happen.

    Do you have a lot of family support and support for your daughter? Please come on here when you feel you need to `let of steam` we really do get what one another is going through and it's been coming here which has kept me sane as I come on here and read posts from others and can really relate to what I am going through. Please talk to MacMillan too if you have not had counselling of any sort they will set you up with that. I had 6 free sessions via telephone and they helped. Just having someone check in on you or whenever it suits you to find out how you are or just for a chat can really help. My best wishes to you in trying to move forward as best you can. 


  • Hi Vicky,

    Thanks for your message.

    Like your Dad I am now my daughter’s main carer. My wife and I worked together to support our daughter for the last 25 years. Now it’s just me.

    We never got any help or rest bite.

    Cancer has now taken all that away. So lonely. So tearful. I wonder what’s the point in life. I miss her so much.

    It’s been 10 weeks now and it only seems like yesterday. The last day in hospital was especially traumatic. No one can prepare you. The sounds. The decisions. The emotions.
