Husbands clothes

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Hi I lost my husband of 25 years 2 months ago I am devastated and finding everything very difficult. he had a long painful battle against prostate cancer I’m finding it very hard every time I open the wardrobe or see his clothes hung there I break down I have thought about donating them to a charity my husband felt strong about do people think it’s too soon 

  • I don't think so, but everybody's different. I did it sooner than that, as I found it upsetting to keep seeing them

     A friend took them to a charity shop near where she works, a different town to where I live so I didn't see anyone wearing them.

    I did hold on to one coat which he always wore and have just donated it, 6 years after he died! SoundsLaughing silly, but I just needed to hold onto that one thing.

    Hope that helps xx

  • This is something you need to do when you feel it is right for you.

    My partner died in February 2021 and I donated all of his winter coats, shoes, socks and underwear to a local homeless charity in the December.  Nic had LOADS of clothes and I eventually donated the rest of them during summer last year.  I got to a point where I needed to make the house my own and the amount of his clothes was getting in the way so I made the decision to donate them.  It really helped me to make steps forward in this awful bereavement process.

    And then yesterday I looked through the last of the boxes that I hadn't looked through before and there were yet more of his clothes.  I've sorted through them and they'll be going to charity as well.

    I feel so guilty about moving his stuff on, but I've had to do it so that I can move onwards and develop a life for myself without him.

    I've kept a few shirts, etc, that particularly remind me of Nic and that is reassuring so when you do move on your husbands clothes maybe you could keep some things for yourself.

    Just some thoughts.  

    Take care.

  • Hi, I lost my husband in July, and i still have most of his, i cannot bear to part with them. I still feel he might come back to wear them again. There are a lot of his suits and shirts that he used to wear to work. I have just sent some of his t-shirts off to have a blanket made from them, and when i can find the strength to go through his shirts i want a cushion made out of the one he wore when we re took our wedding vows in the Maldives, they also make teddy bears. Maybe you could think of something like this when you are ready. Do things when it feels right for you, everyone is different. Take care

  • hi.  my husband of 23 years died at the end of august this year, and I  found it very upsetting to see his clothes in his wardrobe, so iI gave them to Breadline, I  am sure someone worthy is now looking very smart, I  just kept two jumpers, his all weather gear,and his certificates from his ' sea going' life. there is no right or wrong way to deal with things after loosing someone you loved so much, I  am looking forward to a time when I  feel better about things, but it is not yet,  take care.

  • Hi sounds very familiar. I lost my wife to cancer in August this year. We were very close. I haven't begun the process of getting together her clothes to go to charity yet as her loss is still quite raw.  Her sister and best friend have both said they will do it but I'll probably hold off till the new year. Agree seeing them in the house does stop me a bit trying to get on with things. And probably the same for the majority. When and when is not a right time to do this is think is down to the person. Probably not much help? Take care.

  • Hello 

    Firstly, I am very sorry for your loss, but glad you have found your way on here. It is very helpful.

    My husband of nearly 40 years died last May, and I haven't tackled all the clothes yet. I have given some to a local charity but kept some that I just can't part with. I did however get someone to make me a memory quilt. I gave her some of Barry's shirts and trousers, plus some dresses and skirts of mine, to make a patchwork quilt. It is colourful, warm and quite comforting to see and use. My little cat and I snuggle under it in the evenings.

    Take your time with it all. There is no rush.

    Take care and a big hug 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hi 

    My husband passed away in October 2022. I haven't done anything with his clothes, a couple of trousers to his brother, but nothing else. Rest untouched, even his trainers are still under the bedroom chair. He didn't have a huge amount of clothes either. His ashes are also still at home tucked away in the hallway. 

    May be at Xmas when all the kid are back we might decide something. For now it's fine with me. I guess at a later stage I might feel a need to remove the clothes, or move the ashes. For now all fine with me. I guess everyone does what's good for them and their grief. 

  • Hi Zimba!

    It's really what works best for you. My husband passed back in June this year after an almost two year battle with bowel cancer. He was an awful one where I would buy him clothes and they would just lie in the wardrobe still in wrappers he wasn't that fashion concious. I have sold a lot of these `new clothes` on the Vinted selling site because they are just lying there and have what I feel have `no sentimental` value for me but the things I have seen him in I find very hard still to part with. I've made myself a wee bit of `pocket money` selling his stuff but some will go to charity when I am ready. I still have drawers full of junk belonging to him that I have to go through but this will get done eventually everything is just a gradual process just now. You'll know what's right for you and where and when you want to get rid of his things there is no set time limit for that. Take Care. 

    Vicky xx

  • I've also kept some of his T shirts. He was a bit of a `big lad` so when I was buying him clothes I had to go to the `plus size` XL and above catalogues and his T shirts because of the size were that big longer so make great pyjama tops for meBlush

  • Hi PattyK. I think it will be New Year at least before I see about my wife's clothes. Some I'll keep like her wedding dress. 

    She was 5'2'' I'm 6'4'' but I won't be trying her clothes on. Relaxed  Sorry trying humour. She did used to buy me things that weren't my taste and I would wear once to keep her happy and then they disappear at the back of a wardrobe. Some of these items are now with her clothes which will probably go in the new year.