Husbands clothes

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  • 36 subscribers

Hi I lost my husband of 25 years 2 months ago I am devastated and finding everything very difficult. he had a long painful battle against prostate cancer I’m finding it very hard every time I open the wardrobe or see his clothes hung there I break down I have thought about donating them to a charity my husband felt strong about do people think it’s too soon 

  • Thanks for the smile. Humour helped for a few minutes.

  • Hello Zimba - my husband died in September and I feel incapable of making a decision about his clothes. Logically I feel that they should go to a charity and help people who need them. But I worry that once they have gone I will wish that they were still here! It is the thought of 'letting go' I suppose, something I am really struggling with. Think I am just going to slowly bag up things on 'feeling a bit stronger' days, probably starting with things he rarely wore. Wishing you well xx  

  • IAfter s8x months I started with the things he never or rarely used and that wasn't so bad but the rest of his clothing will take a bit longer. I still have his coat hanging up in the hallway and that will be the most difficult. 

  • That is the same with me anything that i class as meaningless i have recycled or shredded, but the same as you his jackets and skechers are waiting for him to come back. I think it will be a long time before the clothes go.

  • Each to their own FORSYBBlush- wee bit of humour  back!  Yes it's hard going through his stuff some days it just becomes overwhelming I just open a drawer and close it again. He had a few I think what they call `man drawers` where any old junk just gets thrown in. I will eventually find the way to get rid of a lot of that junk. Take Care


  • I still look on it too as `my wardrobe` and `his wardrobe` where I s. till try to stuff my own clothes into my own wardrobe and just forget that his is there for storage now tooPensive. Like all the rest of you it still gives me the sense that he is still here.

  • Thanks  everyone for your reply’s I decided to send his clothes to charity as I found it hard to see them hung up and just keep a couple of coats he used to wear not started on all his other possessions that will come later but thanks for all your comments it really helped 

  • Zimba hope this has helped you. Everyone seems to manage in their own way, but the shared experiences help. I'll probably be moving my wife's (who passed in August 2023) clothes on in the new year. Which for me will be an attempt to move on a bit. Have to as I'm returning to work on 3rd Jan. But work from home. Take care.