Grief has hit me like a train

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  • 29 subscribers

Hello, as with everyone on here I wish I wasn’t but here I find myself, I would like to firstly send you all heartfelt condolences for each and every loss, I lost my Jeni 12 weeks ago, my beautiful girl was diagnosed on January the 13th and passed on April the 13th, I alongside her daughter held her whilst she took her last breath, it was the most heartbreaking moment of my 53 years, never have I experienced anything so traumatic, the speed and severity of this disease is simply devastating.Jeni was the most beautiful person that I had ever met, not only beautiful to look at ( she had days before turned 60 but would pass for 40 easily ) she was the most beautiful inside, loving, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, trustworthy person I’ve ever met. Goodness knows how I got to be the lucky one but I did and for that I am thankful. From the moment we met we were inseparable, I was organising a charity event and Jeni bought a raffle ticket, her number was drawn, I got in touch to let her know she had won a prize, she came to pick it up and never left my side from that moment on, we were both single and neither looking for love but boy did we find it. 
We only had 7 years together which is heartbreaking enough but the way that my girl was taken no one should experience. To give just one example of my Jeni’s make up, the day we were told it was pancreatic cancer the consultant asked her if there was anything she was worried about, she said yes Mark, she automatically thought of me rather than herself, it broke my heart. The obvious happened over the next 12 weeks and I cared for her at home, 2 hospital stays then finally again at home where Jeni wanted to be and where I wanted her to be. After she passed I went into total shock and a place of traumatic denial, thinking everyday that this is the worst it can get, this is the lowest most empty and lonely place I could ever be, but still it got worse to the point that now the shock is subsiding and reality is hitting home, it feels like I have been hit by a train, I have grief therapy once a week but it’s hard to gauge progress when still your in free fall, this last week I have felt like I’m close to rock bottom, the pain, the loneliness, no energy, no motivation or interest in anything, it’s a difficult and dark place to be, I kept a journal but found I was writing the same painful things everyday so now I use poetry and write whatever comes into feeling, it’s a long tough road ahead of me as I miss her so very very much, I just take everyday a day at a time and very small steps in the hope that one day I might wake to a slightly better feeling than the day before, this is a horrific and heartbreaking experience to go through which I would wish on no one, every minute of everyday a battle but I do my best to keep fighting on, thank you for reading, thoughts are with you all M 

  • Hi Vicky

    Yes the after shock of it all is crippling, I had all that and people do mean well, But yes you’re right you have to do it your way don’t throw yourself into anything as grief hits when it wants,it’ll be your new best friend for while I’ve found it don’t get better we just cope.We all have our own journey but this is here to help us see there are a lot of us in same struggle,We will feel alone at times even if we have good support it’s true nothing is wrong with how you do it,Just one minute at a time it’s the waking and realising your alone when you reach across to say good morning,For a while it be days like that just take your time,

    big hug


  • Bigredsquare

    My heart goes out to you.

    life can be so cruel. All one can do is take things one day at a time . Do the basics, take exercise if you can , eat as best as you can . Just get through the day . Hold your love one in your heart, hold them close and cry !! The only way to deal with such pain is through not around.

    know your not alone. I too know of your pain.


  • Hi James 

    Many thanks for your post, i have found this forum to be most helpful and its made me realise i am not on my own in my grief, its hard sometimes to even draw breath, i'm doing all i can to get by, grief therapist etc, still feel very alone though, its going to be a long painful road i understand that now, i totally underestimated grief and its severity

    Thank you again and i hope you are coping as well as can be expected

    Best wishes
