Grief has hit me like a train

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Hello, as with everyone on here I wish I wasn’t but here I find myself, I would like to firstly send you all heartfelt condolences for each and every loss, I lost my Jeni 12 weeks ago, my beautiful girl was diagnosed on January the 13th and passed on April the 13th, I alongside her daughter held her whilst she took her last breath, it was the most heartbreaking moment of my 53 years, never have I experienced anything so traumatic, the speed and severity of this disease is simply devastating.Jeni was the most beautiful person that I had ever met, not only beautiful to look at ( she had days before turned 60 but would pass for 40 easily ) she was the most beautiful inside, loving, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, trustworthy person I’ve ever met. Goodness knows how I got to be the lucky one but I did and for that I am thankful. From the moment we met we were inseparable, I was organising a charity event and Jeni bought a raffle ticket, her number was drawn, I got in touch to let her know she had won a prize, she came to pick it up and never left my side from that moment on, we were both single and neither looking for love but boy did we find it. 
We only had 7 years together which is heartbreaking enough but the way that my girl was taken no one should experience. To give just one example of my Jeni’s make up, the day we were told it was pancreatic cancer the consultant asked her if there was anything she was worried about, she said yes Mark, she automatically thought of me rather than herself, it broke my heart. The obvious happened over the next 12 weeks and I cared for her at home, 2 hospital stays then finally again at home where Jeni wanted to be and where I wanted her to be. After she passed I went into total shock and a place of traumatic denial, thinking everyday that this is the worst it can get, this is the lowest most empty and lonely place I could ever be, but still it got worse to the point that now the shock is subsiding and reality is hitting home, it feels like I have been hit by a train, I have grief therapy once a week but it’s hard to gauge progress when still your in free fall, this last week I have felt like I’m close to rock bottom, the pain, the loneliness, no energy, no motivation or interest in anything, it’s a difficult and dark place to be, I kept a journal but found I was writing the same painful things everyday so now I use poetry and write whatever comes into feeling, it’s a long tough road ahead of me as I miss her so very very much, I just take everyday a day at a time and very small steps in the hope that one day I might wake to a slightly better feeling than the day before, this is a horrific and heartbreaking experience to go through which I would wish on no one, every minute of everyday a battle but I do my best to keep fighting on, thank you for reading, thoughts are with you all M 

  • Thanks again Mark. Yes we liked our meals out too. Jay was never quite a `social bunny` going to parties and the like though in our younger `courting days` we used to go to a few but usually just house parties and it was within the group he knew. As time went on though it was usually just meals out and we would do that every so often birthdays/anniversaries or just for the sheer hell of it. That is all gone now too though. I can still cook for myself though but as I said it won't be the portions he made used to ask him if he was cooking for the whole streetBlush. I'll just throw in the odd ready meal as well and on some nights maybe just a can of soup. My sister lives on her own and practically lives off ready meals but then I think its just laziness with her that she just can't be bothered to cook.

  • I totally understand Betty, everything has changed hasn’t it, Jeni and I were pretty much home birds to be honest, liked nothing more than just being together sat in the garden with a glass of winPray tone1eni was like Jay, always made too much bless her, I hate being alone without her so desperately, again my thoughts are and will be with you Pray tone1

  • Thanks Mark! 

    And it's `Patty` not Betty! Sorry to `nitpick`Blush Just to keep you right.

  • Hi

    Its been 469 days since I lost my wonderful husband, soul mate, best friend he was the type that would do anything for anyone,He was diagnosed with lung cancer in September 2021, Up untill then he was always doing something and healthy unbeknown to us when he was in his 20s he got asbestos in his lung when he worked with it,He had mass on right lung and fluid build up,The first consultation to get that news was horrific,The consultant must of read my face and said don’t worry he looks very healthy man he was 69 at time,Lung cancer is best cancer to get as he can live with one lung,This was before 7th October he had biopsy and full drain he was in so much pain bless him, Then the dreaded get your house in order unfortunately for us he had the worst asbestos related cancer they couldn’t cut into it as it would spread fast,Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma,He looked at me and I burst into tears,On way home we were silent just held hands, He had PET scan no where else was affected,He went down hill fast he went to pembury hospital couple times, Wasn’t good experience then on 22 nd March 2022,We all went to hospice in Weald five ashes wonderful place,He passed 28 th March 2022,was offered Immuno therapy but unfortunately he was to ill to have it,
    I agree I underestimated Grief it would of been our 30 th wedding Anniversary 3 rd July had very hard couple days, Feel like I’m in limbo I find myself trying not to get upset as he wouldn’t want it, My heart is still heavy and I sigh a lot he was the one that talked me down when hurting before I said wrong thing, I’m now unfiltered so sometimes say wrong thing,I talk to him all the time I have great support too but sometimes the silence and alone times are crippling,A big hug to all that need it, 

  • Dear Pam61, thank you for sharing your story, it is heartbreaking to read everyone’s horrible journey through these so painful times, anniversaries, now that I personally have to come and I am dreading it, also dreading Winter and Christmas as most of us are, your right it is crippling and I too sigh ( and swear ) a lot now, I’m so angry that this awful awful disease has taken not only my beloved Jeni but our hopes, dreams and future plans, I understand we have to go on but losing your loved life partner is the worst, sending big hugs

    take care


  • Dear Mark,

    It is so very heartbreaking to hear how many others feel like us,I have been asked to things that we did together but I still find it hard to except, As if it’s friends for dinner I would just constantly look at empty chair and it would break my heart again.I’m not saying I never do it but it’s not something I want to do at the moment,Last year was our first Christmas without him we included him in it and raised a glass to him, Had laugh remembering some of the stuff he got up to, Had a cry when it all was to much, Grandchildren break you too our youngest is now 4 he asked me can grandad come back now it’s been to long now, I just said no baby I wish he could, but he’s in our hearts forever so everything we do he’s doing it too,I’m not sure time is healer as I miss him more each day,This also is it we have to find a way to carry on,He loved gardening we have big garden, I’m doing stuff did hedge with his hedge trimmers, Could here him saying no don’t do that as I’m little clumsy,Second year of keeping garden how he loved it, Everything I do he’s in my head and heart as I’m sure Jeni is with you, I’m so sorry for your loss and always glad to chat,Sending hug back

     you take your time grief is our own journey only we know how long me personally think it’s a life long loss,Some days more of struggle than others, but I get up and try again,

    best wishes


  • Dear Pam

    Bless you, I totally get it, I’m no use in the garden, that was my Jeni’s domain, oh how I miss her tinkering about whilst I observed with a glass of wine, she couldn’t sit still for one minute, always doing something or making something, we were so very very happy just being with each other. 
    No grandchildren so I do not have to go through that scenario, that must be heartbreaking for you, Jeni’s daughter keeps in touch and visits now and again but it’s just me and little Bella now, Bella is our little cocker spaniel, born on Jeni’s birthday, she misses her so badly too it’s heartbreaking. I also have her in my head constantly, we used to laugh all the time, we started dealing in antiques and interiors a few years back and she absolutely loved it, setting out our showrooms which she made look so beautiful, things are just not the same now, your right Pam this is a life long loss, who knows what the future holds but I can be sure it’s a tough long road for me personally 

    Take care and thank you for sharing 


  • Dear Mark

    I totally know Alan never sat still and loved watching him doing his lawns getting grandkids to help,One thing I have loads of beautiful photos of him with me, kids and grandkids,I do love a photo,When I need to try do stuff I think Alan must have tools for that, sure enough he has and using his tools makes me feel close to him, He worked in building complete change to job he was doing in bathroom sales and design, He had a need a change when he got made redundant, Loved him clean shaven and in a suit,Total change with building but he knew so much and helped neighbours with jobs too. There’s just too much to miss isn’t there?The one thing that we both feel is how much they were to us, Which will never change .Someone said to me the grief is the price we pay for love,I to write poetry and I started a journal I was writing everyday, but now just when I need to and it to him but ido feel he’s with me willing me though, It’s the longing to hold them again but know you never can,Yes Mark it’s a long tough road so always here if you need.

    Suns trying to come out so enjoy your day best you can

    Best wishes


  • Dear Pam

    Thank you, that’s very kind

    Alan sounds like a great man, I can feel your pain through your words, it is so horrible to go through this it really really hurts like nothing I have felt before, there is so very much to miss your right, I Miss everything about my Jeni, absolutely everything, the silliest things the most actually like the way she would only make half a cup of coffee ? Sounds odd but all the daft things seem so important to me, she had the most beautiful of smiles, I was so very very lucky we found each other and others have said that and to hold onto that BUT it doesn’t help me missing her at all. I too started a journal but stopped as I was just writing the same thing everyday, I also write poetry ( a lot ) I find it easier to express through poetry. I would give absolutely anything to hold my girl again, anything.

    you take care Pam

    Best wishes 
