When is the time right?

  • 52 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I lost my beautiful wife to cancer earlier this year. She battled bravely for 17 years and was particularly unwell needing care in the final two years. I loved my wife with all of my heart and in those final years and months we talked about what I would do after she had passed. She wanted me to find someone else and be happy and at the time I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. However, now that she is gone I find that I would like to find someone else. I don’t want to be on my own and at 62 I know that time isn’t my friend. I know I could wallow in my grief but that won’t bring her back and it is easy to see how weeks can turn into months which could turn into years. I feel that I gave my wife everything and loved her with every fibre of my being but I think that most people will not understand my desire to build a new life with someone else. I know that if I meet someone now it will be scorned upon but what is the right time? Do you wait until you think others would approve or do you carry on and try and make the best of a life that you would not have chosen but have ended up with. Seriously tied up in knots here. 

  • Griefy,

    What can be wrong? Nothing whatsoever!

    This is a scenario I have played out in my mind several times already. I've discussed it with only those who I know would truly understand it.

    I'm not at the stage but am very aware that it could happen and even when I'm probably least likely to expect it.

    We humans are a strange bunch, and there will be those who will always judge. Do they have the right to do so? No they don't. 

    They have not, perhaps some though, been through the situation. It is your, our and my lives/life. We would have told them, if it had been us suffering, to live their lives as best they can. That is what we have to do - and try to be as happy as we can whilst we are still here.

    Take care,


  • Hi stclair

    So sorry for the loss of your wife.  I was 53 when I lost my first husband suddenly.  Like you, I never, in a million years, thought I would love another man again.  My second husband has recently died, 3 weeks after pancreatic cancer diagnosis.  I wonder often why I am the one that is left after losing 2 husbands.  With my first husband lost I dreaded loneliness as it felt like I was down a well. Family and friends couldn't pull me out of the sinking feeling.  My second husband seemed to help me out of the well.  He was a widower too.  I think your late wife wouldn't want you to be alone or without a partner.  Other people can be judgemental but they are not in your shoes.  I never felt disrespectful to the love I had for my first husband and I think if you move on you will not disrespect your late wife's memory.  It sounds like you had a beautiful relationship with your late wife and she understood what it might be like for you if you were on your own.  I can only say that I moved on and had a wonderful 14 years with my new husband but now I am back to the well again.  Take care
