TV Moments

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I had one of these tonight.

I saw the little red light for record on and thought what is recording?

It wasn't one of 'my' programmes but one that was scheduled. It really upset me. It brought back the memories of me thinking, and sometimes daring to say, why do you watch this 'rubbish' (?) to only wish the 'rubbish' could be on with us both on the sofa.

It's just too much to take sometimes.

Take care,


  • Oh my goodness, I get what you are saying.  Not particularly with recordings, but certain programmes that until recently I haven't been able to watch on my own.  I missed the 6 nations in 2021as we always used to watch it together and I couldn't face it on my own.  I watched it last year, but with no enthusiasm.  I've only in the past couple of weeks been able to watch Richard Osman's House of Games as that was a firm part of our evenings.  It's now part of mine again and I'm enjoying it, always thinking of what Nic might have said in the team games and I find comfort in that.  Nearly two years on and this still affects me.  I'm getting there, but the reminders of those times we spent enjoying a programme together are still very much in my mind.

    Best wishes.

  • That's so bizarre as House of Games was one we'd watch all the time too. I still can't manage it however. We'd really get competitive with the music 'timer' round when it came on. Oh my, what simple, cherished, thoughts this evokes.

    I have though managed to watch the last series of Taskmaster, which often made the two of us laugh out loud after we 'discovered' the programme. 

    TV brings many memories.

    Take care.

  • It's strange isn't it, what we find so hard?  Our favourite round in House of Games was Distinctly Average as we were quite competitive.  I can't yet bring myself to watch Taskmaster.  We had watched every episode together and it was interesting to see the different solutions we would have to the tasks.  Maybe next series I'll get back into it.

    Onwards we go.

  • House of Games, Pointless, I haven’t watched since Rob died.  I also don’t watch Corrie or Match of the Day anymore. My daughter and I binge watched 3 weeks of Corrie which Rob hadn’t watched but we said it wasn’t the same without her dad 

    Our favourite in House of Games was Where’s Kyszgan Sorry can’t spell) 

    A few months after he died a few programs appeared on catch up and they were new series of his stuff, some I didn’t even know he watched. 

    18 months down the road I still haven’t really been to watch a football game, I have season tickets but it’s not the same going on my own . Last season I managed 2 games and I am planning on going in a few weeks.