How to cope

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  1. My one and only true love passed on the 4th November funeral was last week she was only 60 I'm 57 are children been great but all seems to be getting back to normal which is good but I feel so lost they don't seem to understand I seem so alone we had been together 37 years now my life seems unimportant im breathing yes but that's it can't see anything passed the next hour seems people think you can just carry on has normal don't think unless you have gone through losing one so important they can't understand  my dad was killed when I was 13 in a bus crash my mum 3 years ago but neither was like this how does one cope and does councilling help because I can't carry on feeling like this every day gets worse  I wish god had took me and not my perfect wife life seems so cruel 
  • Hello 

    First of all I am deeply sorry for your loss. Glad you found us here, we all do understand and know exactly how you feel.

    37 years too for me when I first met my Barry. So many memories. I am trying hard to remember the good times and not the last few years of pain and illness.

    How do we cope with the loss and unbearable loneliness? I have just started going to a grief support group, and met others in various stages of grief, often after several years. Find it quite helpful, only that you can ask questions or just listen to others experiences.

    Otherwise most people just don't understand and don't know what to say for fear of upsetting us. Well we are already upset and nothing helps ie get over it, how are you? Without waiting for the reply. I don't go on about my loneliness very much to anyone. Family not close.

    I am alone in France, but with a good network of friends and neighbours. Only two people have lost their partners, so I can tell them when I feel low, and they do understand. We do need to talk to someone, whoever it is? If not, I have my darling cat called Missy! I speak to her all the time and she knows.

    Take your time, with everything, don't panic and don't worry. Your lovely wife is still and always be with you. Take care of yourself now.

    Big hug, and keep posting here.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "