Andy's home!

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I had a visit from the funeral director yesterday - I thought they were just popping the invoice over for Andys funeral back in October.

But no, they actually had my Andy's Cremains with them - they did ask if I was ready and wanted him home - I haven't been sure since he passed away 4 October what I should to do with him.

I was a little overwhelmed and shocked but I couldn't turn him away now they had bought him home to me, could I??? 

After they left I was in floods of tears but then sat with him next to me (He's only in a cardboard box, in a hessian bag - i didn't know what to expect but then never even thought about an Urn for him!)
After the tears subsided a little, I actually liked that he was finally home with me and our furbabies, they clearly liked it and sensed it too as they kept sitting at my feet and jumping up to kiss me (lots of licks anyway!) 

I felt much comfort to be honest, as we have no family and my friends are not local (we live in rural West Wales) it feels a little like we are all back together again.

I just need to decide what to do with them now, In our Wills we have a place we said we would go, back to Nottingham to be scattered with my late Dad. That was before we followed our dream and moved to West Wales - I want him closer to me now. Our favourite beach, near the big Scots pine in the front garden looking over the valley and beyond (What if I move house in years to come - no plans at all as this is our home) or out to sea in Pembrokeshire on his cousins boat (I think Andy's Mum was scattered there) 
Do I have a little piece of jewellery made too - this I'm not sure about as it feels a little wrong splitting him up.

How do you know what to do???? or will I know when the time is right what to do?

Big love and hugs to all of you in this cruel club none of us wanted to be in xxx

  • Bless your heart.

    I collected my beloved Chris' ashes on 11 November, just two weeks after the funeral. When I saw the beautiful ashes casket I knew he would have been proud of what I'd had made for him - a black casket decorated with his beloved NFL teams logo, Las Vegas Raiders.

    The funeral home also kindly split some of the ashes into two small scatter jars so when I'm ready I can take him with me and scatter in our favourite place. Chris had ordered me a locket into which some of ashes are stored so I've always got him close.  I haven't been able to wear it yet - it's too upsetting. The funeral company offered to do that for me and I was so grateful for that.

    Chris made me promise that I would scatter part of him at the Raiders stadium - it will break my heart to go to Vegas without him physically being with me. I'm in no rush to fulfill the promise but I know I will one day.

    Between the funeral and collecting the ashes it felt like I had lost him all over again and once he was home I felt comforted. I talk to him all the time, I just wish I could hear him respond - I miss his voice so much.

    You will know what to do in time. There is no rush to do anything.

    Sending blessings to you xx

  • Claireh,

    That does sound like a very big shock to be handed the ashes just like that.

    I remember how I was going to collect them. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. To be handed a bag, similar to a bottle bag, with what was a very sensitively chosen, by them, cylindrical box with beautiful image of a loch and rainbow was just overwhelming. I remember thinking, as I walked out the door, I'm literally carrying my beautiful wife and soulmate in a bag! I can't imagine your experience.

    I too had very clear thoughts about where the ashes were being cast - on a beach which means much to us. However, I cannot let them go. I talk to them every day and they remain in the house. I guess I will do it someday but, just now, that time is a long way off. I cannot let them go!

    To answer your question how do you (we) know what to do? I think it's like everything else we have experienced, there is no right nor wrong. We do what we think is best at that particular moment and hope we have no regret in the future.

    Thinking of everyone.

    Take care,


  • Hi

    i think that’s a bit poor of the undertaker to just show up with them.  When Daves were ready they called me and said to just go when I felt ready and that there was no rush. They also put them into two scatter tubes that I had bought. A large one to scatter (which I did months later in our special place in the Lake District) and a smaller version that will stay with me forever. 
    Take your time to decide what feels right for you to do. There is no right or wrong. Don’t put pressure in yourself to do anything until you are ready. 
    Take care 

    Jillian x