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  • 28 subscribers

Good evening everyone,

Sorry to be pain, can anybody remember the author of the book recommended it's ok to not be ok?

Thought I would get my act together and order it, but then found more than one.

Anybody reading at moment? Still worth me getting?

Thanks in advance


  • It's by Megan Devine. It is a bit generic at first and idea people don't like others grieving and just want them to get over it. I am on a more practical chapter recommending creativity, writing journals, doing a collage etc.. I guess there are many books out there and it  keeps you occupied and helps as you see how others have faced your situation. 

    Everyone has their own way. I find it helpful to read suggestions on this website and to talk to family and friends, and then just get distracted working which takes up head's pace. 

  • Hii chilliChilli,
    I have just started this book, taking me ages to read a few pages as my concentration goes so I end up having to read it again!

    Its certainly insightful, I'm only just on the first chapter yet - helped me get my head round why my so called friends have suddently stopped contacting me - they don't know how to deal with me not being ok (I guess i was just so confident when they knew me before my grief,  but thats ok, I have support from those that are trying to help.

    I guess its each to their own with a book, nothing will make the pain go away, no quick fix or plaster will heal our pain.
    Think writing my own journal is helping me a little but then some days i just stare at the blank pages.

    C xxx

  • I had this book recommended to me and have since recommended to lots of people. It’s the sort of book that you can pick up and read snippets of (Megan understands that we don’t have the capacity to read long drawn out chapters)  I think it took me months to get through it the first time. Now I just pick it up every so often and reread little bits when I need to. 
    I hope it works for you 

    Jillian x