Took a huge step today

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Some of you may know that I lost my hubby 13 months ago (to prostate cancer) and like everyone on here I struggle every day to keep going without him. But today I have done something good so thought I’d share something positive for a change

We always holidayed in Grasmere and it’s also where we scattered Daves ashes in July. On the spur of the moment (last Sunday) I booked to come up to Grasmere for a couple of nights - just me and our dog, Otto. This morning while I was packing I had butterflies and on the journey alternated between feeling sick and crying. BUT once I got here I felt much better. I’ve been to the place we scattered Daves ashes and I sat there for quite a while chatting to him. I’ve been in two pubs ON MY OWN ( to get food but still ). Don’t get me wrong - I wish he was here with me and that we were doing all the things we normally would but Im just  proud that I made it here. There was a point  where I considered turning back but i could hear Dave (ever the Yorkshireman ) saying “it’s paid for now - you can’t waste it” 

I have  hit upon a snag though - how do you go to  the loo when there’s no one to watch the dog while you go! 
Take care everyone 

Jillian x 

  • Well done Jillybean74 and OttoDog2 I bet his paws were walked off FeetBlush you faced the fear and did it anyway!!! Whoop whoop Heart eyesClapClapClap 

    I keep saying I'll into call into the pub on my way home for a 'pub pint' on my own but think, nahh, I'll just go home and have a free one outta the fridgeBeer Grintoo much Glasweigian in me from my mothers side Rofl

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you BootsyD. 
    I’d be the same as you if I was at home. In fact - I’ve brought my Coffee machine with me so I don’t have to keep buying coffees LaughingLaughing

  • Well done Jillybean74...

    You are right to feel proud of yourself. To others your little jaunt may be of no consequence but to us on here we can identify with you when it comes to the courage it takes to 'go it alone'.   I forced myself to do similar on the anniversary of my husband's passing and his birthday. I think the fact that we are doing it 'for them' is what gives us the strength. In your case revisiting the place you scattered ashes. 

    I was so determined I was not going to let Mark down I grew in confidence to follow up with my plans. Yes, sitting in a pub eating a meal on your own can be daunting... but I just focused on blanking out the fact that I looked like Billy-no-mates and tried to imagine my husband was sitting opposite me. 

    I cannot be strong for Me personally... however after fighting the NHS to get him treatment during his illness I know I can be invincible when it comes to doing things for my husband. As I'm sure many of us on here can identify with. 

    Keep taking the steps to achieve your goals... And remember, if you can't find a kindly person to mind your dog, simply take it to the toilet with you and ignore anyone that may moan about your furry friend. 

    Pooka x

  • Well done Jillian.

    I too took this big step a few weeks ago and went away to Sussex on my own, and it was quite daunting in the run up to it and going, but once there I coped quite well. However, as Pooka has said in this thread, meal times were the worst. All I could think of was Lin sitting opposite me but she wasn't there, no one to discuss what you are going to do that day or recount what you did yesterday. That was the loneliest of times.

    I got through it though so perhaps I will give it another go, but I don't know how I would get on going or staying somewhere we used to go to together. It's a journey none of us had ever wished to be on.

    Stay strong,
