Six Months on & its even harder to accept

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  • 26 subscribers

Nearly 7 months since I lost the love of my life. After a 12 month illness I wasn’t prepared for him to go. We never talked about the future or his wishes. No definitely haven’t moved on. I seem to be worse in my grief at the moment. I’ve been made redundant so I’m at home with no focus. I can’t read because I can’t remember what I’ve just read once I’ve turned the page. I struggle to watch any tv if I have to concentrate. Though I do watch Strictly as it’s my programme. I don’t watch the news because it irritates me & makes me sad in equal measure. I do the housework On auto pilot and I plan/shop & cook meals for my children. I look after my dog who is also still moping after my husband & we have a new puppy who is hard work but is lots of fun & has filled a little bit of the void but my heart is broken & I can’t get rid of the ache that’s inside of me. I laugh from time to time , we talk about the good times & we relive some of the awful last weeks of my husbands illness. We talk about maybe selling the house where we might move to and where we would like to go on holiday but then my boys go about their lives, go off to work college out with friends etc and I sob. Then I pull myself together decide to have a clear out get a bag of stuff for charity shop and I feel good and helpful. Then a thought comes into my mind about the lovely man I’ve lost and I’m back sobbing again. I go out sweep up some leaves in the garden potter in the shed, cut back a plant or 2 have another sob. Make a call, do a bit of washing/ironing & hoover the bedroom & have another sob. I catch sight of myself in the mirror & think “look at the state of you”. I put my make up on & try to look decent but inside the ache is still there. Every day it’s the same do this, do that, sob repeat but it’s the new normal for me now. I’m sure my husband wouldn’t want me to be like this but it’s my loss & my grief and I had to be strong for him and cry in the shower every day while he was Ill & dying. Now I can sob wherever I am in the house unless I have company and then I wait until I’m alone. It’s almost 7 months & billions of tears but it’s how I get through each day and how I manage to carry on.

love & hugs to all members of this widows/widowers club. We never wanted to join but we can help each other along the way x

  • Hi Pinky. 
    I know  exactly how you feel. It’s 13 months now for me and I don’t think it’s got  any easier - in fact I think it’s harder. I think I’m the early days there’s a lot of being numb or on autopilot but as time passes it starts to hit home that they’re not coming back. Don’t get me wrong I have a very busy life - I have to because whenever I’m home on my own I crumble.

    We always holidayed in Grasmere (and it’s where most of Daves ashes are scattered). In the spur of the moment yesterday  I booked a little trip up there, and then sobbed and sobbed because the thought of going without him is awful - but then again it was our happy place so I want to go.   
    I can’t read either anymore - and I used to read every single day - like you I can’t concentrate and forget what I’ve read. 
    I still have all of Daves stuff - every time I think I’ll sort it out I just wind up putting it all back. His boots are still on the shoe rack, his toothbrush in the bathroom, his slippers at the side of the bed. 
    I’m starting to think that this is life for me now. And I know that Dave would hate that but I can’t see how I can ever be truly happy again. 
    I really do appreciate this  support group though - we all just get it on here and it’s refreshing to not have to say “I’m fine” 

    Take care everyone and let’s keep talking x x

  • Hi Pinky

    I too know exactly what you mean.  My husband died thirteen weeks ago, after fighting cancer for five years.  He was 69 and I know I have to be so glad for those extra five years, but facing each day without him is so hard.

    He wanted to stay at home and we gave him that, but the last two days were so hard and I can’t forget what the cancer did to him.  He was mostly unconscious through this time and l so wish we could have had some last words.  I have a very supportive family and until recently thought I was managing to just about to cope, but things like getting a cheque book just in my name starts me off again.  Like you say, billions of tears, and sometimes I think they are not going to stop. He would want me to take pleasure in every day, and I try so hard to do this and to be strong and positive just like he was, but it is so hard sometimes.

    I feel so sorry for everyone going through this pain.  Everyone says he is still here with me, and Steve used to say that he would always be with me, but I long to hear his voice and feel his arms around me.

    I am hoping being on this site will help me, love and hugs to everyone on here.
