Lost - don't know how to do this

  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

The days are passing by but do not get any easier.

Following my husband Chris' funeral on 28th October I feel like I've lost him all over again. I can't do anything more to help him and it hurts so much.

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since he died and each morning breaks my heart - the thought of another long day without him. I miss his smile, his kisses, his smell but most of all I miss him.

28 years of being a team of two. I feel lost. I don't know how to get through this.

  • Dear Lonely Panda 

    How well I understand you. It is raw still, it hurts physically and the loneliness is really overwhelming.

    Just reading your post made me want to reach out to you. 

    You will get through it but in your way and in your time. Take your time. Write things down how you are feeling each day if you can. I recently started that, and looked back to see that maybe you have progressed. Even a tiny bit.

    I am 5 months down the line, and have very up and down days. It comes in waves, suddenly from one minute ok to absolutely exhausted coping and trying to be "bright ". Fed up pretending I am ok. Also people pushing me to get on with it, sweeping everything away as though Barry never existed? Been quite sharp with certain people too which isn't in my nature at all.

    Well, just take it step by step today. Look after yourself and be kind to yourself too.

    We all understand here.

    Love and a big hug 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you  for reaching out. I needed to know someone was out there to provide some support and words of comfort, someone who knows how difficult this is.

    I am exhausted and just trying to get through hour by hour.

  • Hi LonelyPanda,

    You don't need to worry if there is somebody out there. There are, unfortunately, many of us. We all know what you are going through as Fifinet has said too. We are the only ones who truly know, which has been said many a time in this Group.

    The support, whilst only in writing, is simply fantastic. I say in writing, but it is actually more than that!

    Take care,


  • I am the same. It's 5 weeks today. Was being more positive this morning, but terrible later. Have had all these years cocooned by my husband's love and kindness I don't know who I am now. And just want the chance to have some more time to tell him how fantastic he was.

  • Hi . I feel the same. I'm not sure who I am any more. It's as if I don't know how to be me without the we/us.

    I'm here anytime if you need to chat, or just need someone to acknowledge the pain.