Loss of my wife

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Not feeling great today I'm in limbo with the house I still don't know if I am guna be aloud to stay or I will have to move out it's been over 5 months for them to get it sorted out with the tenancyBroken hearto be put in my name every time I ring or email them they are either not in or unavailable it's getting so me down  and its making very low and sad not noing, I wish it didn't happen with me wife pasBroken heartng Broken heart

  • Hi 

    if your property is a council property, or houseing association  you need to apply for a succession tenacy ..

    it is more or less pretty straight forward .

    hope this helps 


  • It's an housing association I've been trying to get it put in to my name Goe the last 5 months  ghey are so useless at getting back in touch with me, It s making me so low and feeling depressed  every time I ring its like they don't care in getting back in touch with me 

  • Andrew,

    To say that you don't need any of this crap after what you have gone through is an understatement. It's simply awful that they cannot, or will not, sort this out for you.

    Is it worthwhile going to Citizens' Advice so that they can act for you in a formal capacity? It may also take the stress of this away from you a little too if they would take on your case.

    Take care,


  • I'm not sure what they would able to do i also got a statement of rent in jeans name which it says we are in arrears do that doesn't help I'm so angry , and fed up with them