My Husband’s Wake was yesterday

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My husband died 12 days ago. He wanted a direct cremation with no service; but wanted a wake. That was yesterday at his golf club. Many people played golf before the wake in his honour, and many more attended the wake. It was a beautiful day, and so special to hear amazing memories of Gary. I have amazing friends who have spent time with me and stayed overnight. Now I have been alone all day, and the grief and fear are immense. I can’t imagine feeling stable or normal ever again.

  • Hi 

    I know it sounds weird to say that a funeral/wake were lovely but I felt the same about Daves. I met people that he’d talked about for years and heard so many stories about when he was younger. It’s a tribute t the men they were that people come to share their stories with you.  
    I think it hits you the day after though. Up until now you’ve probably been making arrangements, dealing with lots of practical stuff and then comes the lull. 
    I can’t promise that you’ll ever stop grieving - I’m a year down the line and still cry and miss Dave so much - but I will say that you need to give yourself some time. Take it one day at a time - if a day seems too long take it hour by hour. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do- just do what you need to do to get through. Some days will start to be better than others and then something will trigger you again but that’s ok. I don’t know if you’re a reader but if I’m time you want to I can recommend a book that helped me a lot. It’s ok that you’re not ok by Megan Devine. Since Dave died I haven’t been able to concentrate enough to read books much (I was an avid reader before ) but with this book you can just read small sections at a time. The first time I read it i found it so comforting that she talked about the exact feelings I was having. I think it helped me a lot. It makes you realise that you’re not going crazy - and what you are feeling is normal. 
    Pleas keep coming on here and talking. Everyone on here understands how you feel. We’re all weathering this storm together 

  • Thank you so much. I will try the book x

  • Hi 

    It was my wonderful husband's funeral / celebration of life on Friday. I did him proud and somehow found the strength to get up and read my words to him.

    Afterwards at the wake it was a good feeling, lots of people came and I felt surrounded by their love and well wishes. It felt as though he was still with us and i could imagine how much he would have loved to see all his friends.

    Since then it's unbearable though. I like you now feel truly alone. He has gone and there is no more I can do for him. I can never be with him again and it hurts so much.  He didn't want me to be scared but I don't know how else to feel. 

    I just want to hold his hand and for him to give me one of his happy kisses.