Grief overwhelms me.

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

My husband died nine weeks ago, three days after my birthday. He was 69.   It would have been our 43rd wedding anniversary two weeks ago.  He was our hero and my soulmate.  He had a cancer diagnosis five years ago and showed amazing strength and positivity all the way, even when the cancer overwhelmed him.  He stayed at home until the end which was what he wanted but I cannot forget about the last traumatic days and what the cancer did to him.

I have amazing support from my family, but my son and daughter have their own grief and I cannot always burden them with mine.  My grief is so overwhelming and painful at times.  Had a sleepover at my daughter’s last night, at grandkids request, which was lovely, but it is always so difficult when I return to an empty home.  I try to think of all our happy memories and that I am so lucky with my family around me, but my heart is breaking and sometimes my tears seem never ending.

  • KnittingNanny,

    All on here know exactly what you mean. Our words help one another but at the same time we are very much on a lonely road.

    Take care,


  • Hello KnittingNanny

    So sorry that you have had to join this group and I completely understand how you are feeling. Your cancer experience is very similar to mine and Lin's. She was diagnosed in 2007 and was in remission for just over 9 years until it returned with a vengeance in 2016. Lin was so amazing with how strong she stayed even when we knew the returning cancer was incurable. Grief is so overwhelming at times but you will gradually learn to cope with it better but there will still be bad days. I'm nearly a year into this journey and I still get days when I feel so low and wish I could just give her a hug. Today is one of those days but I have been out for a walk which has improved my mood a little.

    Like you, I have amazing support from my family and the grandchildren always fill me with happiness when I see them. Do take time to remember all the good times you have had together, and look back at old photos which I read was a very beneficial thing to do when you are grieving. I usually find it uplifting.

    Yes, the last days are quite traumatic, and remembering them I find very painful, so I try to concentrate on those good times.

    Take care and stay strong.


  • Thank you for your words.  Take care.

  • Hi Derek

    thank you so much for your reply.  Take care.