Overwhelmed with all the paperwork whilst dealing with feeling lonely

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My new husband of 18 days passed away 4 October, very suddenly after 5 month fight with cancer if unknown primary. even the Gp was surprised who quickly he passed when put on end of life meds. Within 30 mins of the acute nursing team leaving!

trying to cope with his loss, whilst still doing name changes following our recent wedding 18 days before which he put all his strength into making a perfect day for us. It’s all the paperwork and admin I’m struggling with! I didn’t know the passwords to his laptop or emails or his passcode to his iPhone so I’m flying by the seat of my pants waiting for letters to arrive - which they are doing that I had no idea about!

it’s all the financials that are mind blowing, he did have a will but I have no idea what I need to include in his estate guess I need to speak to a solicitor. 

I hate that we are referred to as widowed! I’m still his wife so why should the car insurance go up over £100 because of my marital status!!  

sorry about the long post, just needed a vent, but why is everything so hard and you have the same conversation over & over! 
Im scared taking the next steps to go back to work again (I need to as I’m only 51) I certainly don’t want to go out and see people or socialise -friends are being supportive but gawd it’s lonely!! 

  • I know where your coming from, the first week or so I was in such state of shock I got lots done, after that it went down hill as shock and loss set in. To this day I don’t know if I got everything right, but when I look back on it, I say sod them, they have not suffered the same loss.  
    take everything at your own pace, speak to the citizens advice alive, they, if you find the right person, can be a pillar of strength.

    above everything else , cry a little ,slow down and give your self time to grieve, anyone questions that, just say you need time, most are very understanding.

    Above all take care of yourself, I am sure you will find that inner strength xx

    Plus use here, lots of good people who have gone through this 

    1. I'm in this position now. My husband passed away very suddenly on the 11th Oct. Luckily he saved  most of his passwords on his laptop so I was able to get into most things. I have paperwork coming out my ears . Life insurance are going to drag their heels now as they want his medical records to check he didn't lie when he took out his policy (they clearly don't expect 49 year olds to die!) I've tried to filter my way through it all but I'm pretty sure I've missed some things which I'll be getting a letter about. I never even thought about my car insurance till I read your story! I too am dreading going back to work. I'm a cleaner in a secondary school,  and an awful lot of people will be asking how I am , and I won't know what to say . My sick note runs till the 7th but Matts cremation (it's a direct one so no service) takes place on the 4th so I won't be going back till I've settled down from that . Today has been horrendous.  I've done absolutely nothing but cry . Always here for a chat xxx
  • I’m learning to just be open and honest when anyone asks how I am, ok it may shock them but I really don’t care / they asked! 
    We have a Macmillan counsellor too and she she suggested to just say, I’m not wanting to answer that now, it does help awkward questions.

    i get fed up with well so & so did this and got X- well I’m not them am I and I’m only 51 my hubby was only 53. Our insurance was quick but the oncologist was super quick to complete the medical records for us too - maybe because we had already started the claim for serious, terminal, Ill health. 

    don’t forget to change the cars logbook into your name too if it isn’t already lovely xx

    this group is helping big time, even though it’s a club none of us wanted to join. Xx

  • This group is amazing. I am thinking of contacting macmillan. We didn't get chance to use them but they sent me a condolence card with their card attached offering bereavement and financial support if needed . After yesterday's ordeal of how I felt, I may need some bereavement help. It's so hard and comes with no instructions.  Thank-you for your help, and handy tips! There's loads of little things I bet I've forgotten xxx

  • They will help lovely.

    I even have my Andys Macmillan, palliative care nurse coming to see me this week to see how I am getting on! Angels Innocent in disguise the lot of them - if they can’t help will point us in the right direction if who maybe could xxx

    Im learning to accept any help offered, as hard as that can be x

  • has anybody told you about a lump sum you can claim and a monthly  amount for 18 months, it’s a widows payment and not means tested and can be claimed even if under pension age.  Something I never knew about.

  • Yes, I found out by default when filling in sone other forms. Every little bit helps if we can’t get it! 

  • Thanks for that I didn’t know about it and Ive recently been made redundant so would be a great help to me while I face up to our loss & prepare to look for another job. I’ve just been reading your profile so sad to read. It’s not easy  for any of us watching our loved ones declining with PC but such a shock when it is a terminal diagnosis as you are still coming to terms with the C word. It’s been 6 months for me and I still can’t believe he’s gone. I still have loads of admin to do but I just find it difficult to concentrate and my memory is terrible but it’s menopausal brain fog as well abereavement sadness. Hoping we can help each other out on here & pass on advice and comfort